There’s an old cliché about why people do things like climb mountains or jump out of perfectly good planes with a parachute strapped to their backs.
To paraphrase—if I have to explain it to you, you’ll never understand.
‘That’s what it’s like in Scottsdale, Arizona during auction week.’
There is a classic car auction literally next door to the hotel this week and there are two others within 15 minutes so the force is strong in car guy world.
Christmas is huge with kids but after that you wonder if anything will ever match that gut level excitement when you hit voting age. The answer is simple—this week will match anything Christmas ever offered with room to spare because this is auction week in the Valley of the Sun.
Santa Claus was a thrill that came with an expiry date but auction week in Scottsdale is a timeless concept steeped in great hospitality, saturated in sunshine and founded in classic iron.
It calls to anyone with a car guy soul.
Jerry Sutherland
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