We will enter our 11th year in 2020 here at MyStarCollectorCar and we can see our game plan very clearly for the next 12 months.
We also made a major platform change in August, 2019 and now MyStarCollectorCar is a full-fledged e-zine in the finest tradition of the 21 century term. E-zines will eventually replace traditional paper print publications and we are already a full decade ahead of the paper print guys on that concept as we head into 2020.
MyStarCollectorCar began in 2009 with a simple belief that every vehicle has a story behind it. That belief is still true today in 2020-but we have learned that every story is not equal and now we concentrate on stories with more meat on their bones.
An example of a good story base is one with a personal connection to the owner. Their reasons for ownership are very diverse and some examples may involve a family connection or a difficult learning curve where an owner steps out of his or her comfort zone and gets directly involved in a project.
An example of a bad story base is an owner who buys a vintage ride on impulse (or with a generous supply of intoxicants in their system) and has buyer’s regret almost immediately after the fact. There is typically no clear reason why they bought the classic ride-and there is even less reason why MyStarCollectorCar would want their story simply because the vehicle in question was a regrettable mistake on their part.
We also walk right by a “For Sale” car at a show because there is no story for us under these circumstances and we do not treat a car show like a car lot. The upside is MyStarCollectorCar has advertisers that will sell classic vehicles at their auctions and do the heavy lifting for the “For Sale” car owners.
The show season is short and fickle here in western Canada, so we assemble a master plan for each year to maximize our exposure to the events. There is a car show every weekend and MyStarCollectorCar walked between the rain drops at many of the 2019 events.
We are not in a position to make the rules for a car show but MyStarCollectorCar definitely believes in a rain date for these events. The ideal choice would be the next day because most shows take place on a Saturday and weather can change dramatically by Sunday.
The infrastructure and volunteers are already in place and the one-day delay might mean the difference between a successful show and a disaster in most cases. We have spent many hours at the wet shows and see only a few positives in the experience: the light is in our favor for photo shoots and there is plenty of room around the sparse collection of vehicles at a wet show.
We have an advantage here at MyStarCollectorCar because we have already assembled a generous supply of great vintage car and truck readers for our readers and are able to separate the wheat from the chaff at the 2020 shows.
We will continue to seek out the unusual rides and the great back stories in 2020.
Our vision for 2020 is crystal clear: continue to bring the best and brightest stories to our readers.
BY: Jim Sutherland
Jim Sutherland is a veteran automotive writer whose work has been published by many major print and online publications. The list includes Calgary Herald, The Truth About Cars, Red Deer Advocate, RPM Magazine, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Windsor Star, Vancouver Province, and Post Media Wheels Section.
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