JUNE 5: OKOTOKS, AB Okotoks Cruise

JUNE 7: BENTLEY, AB Weekly Cruise-In

JUNE 9: EDMONTON, AB Michener-Allen timed auction

JUNE 14: BENTLEY, AB Weekly Cruise-In

JUNE 15: CHESTERMERE LANDING, AB Weekly Show and Shine

JUNE 16: WADENA, SK Show and Shine

JUNE 17-18: EDMONTON, AB Michener-Allen industrial auction

JUNE 18: RED DEER, AB 7th Annual Extendicare Fathers Day Event– The 7th annual parade, park and burnout show for Extendicare has changed due to government protocols! The parade is a huge go! We’ll meet on Michener Blvd. at 6:00. Parade will begin at 6:30 with 4-5 passes around the buildings. PLEASE stay in your vehicles.Burnout show and parking are cancelled. For the folks that donated door prizes- please keep them for next year as we can’t do that either. .Sjcherokee@yahoo.ca

JUNE 19: EDMONTON, AB Michener-Allen car auction

JUNE 19: GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB Rides for Rotary Car Show

JUNE 19: KINDERSLEY Show and Shine

JUNE 19: MAGRATH, AB Summer Solstice Show and Shine/Cruise

JUNE 20: ST PAUL, AB Memorial Car Show and Cruise Night

JUNE 21: BENTLEY, AB Weekly Cruise-In

JUNE 22: CHESTERMERE LANDING, AB Weekly Show and Shine

JUNE 26: WYNYARD, SK Kinette Car Show with prizes for 1-3rd place. Prizes are going to be detailing packages for 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners. Smoke show will be held 4:15! Bring your rides!

JUNE 26: RED DEER, AB Vintage VW Show

JUNE 26: CALGARY, AB Michener-Allen car auction

JUNE 27: COALDALE, AB Custom Cruisers Show and Shine

JUNE 28: BENTLEY, AB Weekly Cruise-In

JUNE 29: CHESTERMERE LANDING, AB Weekly Show and Shine