11110373 10153292934527287 2672197363074984419 o

11110373 10153292934527287 2672197363074984419 oMSCC Fallen Stars was based on the concept that we’re losing too many classic pieces of iron to stupid environmental regulations and the high price of recycled metal.

This section has showcased many pieces of automotive history over the years and sadly, far too many of the cars and trucks in the pictures are shredded pieces of metal in 2015.

You can never replace that one vital piece of trim or the mint bumper that was part of a parts car that spent its last seconds in a baler.

885730 10153292935137287 16370586444950425 oNevertheless, the old car hobby is based on hope and optimism so the good news is that there are still some old fashioned car crops left in North America.

These pictures (Cortez, CO and Glendale, Utah) were taken by regular MSCC reader Ryan Sardachuk on a recent road trip and they’re enough to give us hope.

10450267 10153292940382287 4184792586579374195 o10835288 10153292937382287 7173847840690618533 o11008640 10153292940997287 3327032191430520128 o11064670 10153292938912287 7147632559043004765 o11073005 10153292940637287 4423275654631212564 o11090973 10153292938982287 1623079117678681049 o11110373 10153292938382287 3498443746258464641 o11136269 10153292940612287 5824289534034682449 o11149197 10153292935492287 1049206411139075217 o11149773 10153292935592287 7640628747923777808 o11164565 10153292935807287 1476063587633871292 o11165088 10153292937367287 878769060653363485 o11169614 10153292935212287 6148091503120711059 o11174290 10153292941072287 5911389129474358532 o11174342 10153292935432287 2009918308032752332 o11187847 10153292938402287 5882989570352237939 o11194457 10153292934547287 7653139714125761087 o11194605 10153292937867287 4309172580449031570 o11203610 10153292939732287 6199969220328563639 o11206704 10153292938967287 79552126726930017 o11212171 10153292940737287 4867640533547352921 o11246702 10153292937787287 4303531342116882279 o11255510 10153292935657287 528964921426977627 o

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