Today is Halloween so clearly you’re not going to see a piece on the Easter Bunny.
Instead today will be a look back at some of the scariest rides and stories on the pages of MSCC.
Take look at what makes Halloween so special at MSCC.
Hearses are always a fan favorite on Halloween and this 1931 Buick really enhanced the stereotype back in October 2010. In reality, this old hearse was designed as a tribute more than a scary ride.
The Supernatural 1967 Chevy Impala 4-door hardtop was another scary ride–not so much because it was haunted itself but because this big old Impala has been around so many nasty events.
The TV show itself is off the charts scary and the car fits like the proverbial glove in an arena filled with demons, werewolves, vampires and other assorted nasty characters.
Christine, the demonic 1958 Fury is one of the most beloved possessed car in the world was featured twice on the pages of MSCC. One was a very cool tribute to Christine–very unique car.
The other Christine was an actual movie car and it’s owned by the luckiest guy in the world because he was in the right place at the right time.
Car shows are a great source of scary rides and one show in particular (History Road) had a row of these last ride limousines.
Some shows are reluctant to add these vehicles because of the grotesque props that come with them but most of the owners know that it’s part of the fun…even if little Johnny has a little trouble falling asleep that night.
There was another show in St. Albert 2013 that had a solid lineup of hearses and they definitely didn’t hold back on the macabre props. These guys definitely had the kiddies squeezing their Mommy’s hand when they walked into this area of the car show.
Happy Halloween from the ghouls at MSCC.
Jerry Sutherland
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