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This beautiful factory green 1953 Chevrolet pickup truck has been in only two families: its original farm family and its current owners, Ken and Marilyn Huff.


The Huffs became the second owners in 1973 when they purchased some rural property that came with the truck.


The Chevy was a loyal workhorse for both families and served them very well in its active years.



But the Huffs eased it into retirement, beginning with winter vacations in storage.


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They did reveal that the faithful pickup was always ready for duty, including a frigid Christmas when nothing else would start one morning. So they un-tucked the old ’53 and used it for a crucial Christmas run.


In September 2003, the Huffs decided to give the old dog a 50th birthday present- a complete restoration- back to showroom condition. They wanted to thank the truck for faithful service over all those years.


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There is one thing that is true about every great restoration: they take time. In January 2009, the old pickup truck finally reclaimed its youthful good looks.


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This ’53 Chevy truck is arguably one of the nicest restorations that we have encountered since we fired up MYSTARCOLLECTORCAR in April 2009. There is not one component of the truck that has not been re-furbished to better-than-factory standards.


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It is essentially a hand-built 1953 Chevy pickup after six years of meticulous restoration. The documentation provided by the Huffs would make ‘War and Peace’ seem like a quick ‘Reader’s Digest’ read.


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The one non-factory addition sparked some debate in the Huff household. Ken finally convinced Marilyn that it was ok to put in a period radio, so he added one this past winter.


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Marilyn added a clever removable bug screen that is held in place by leather-covered magnets to protect the perfect finish on the truck. Her innovation also protects the front of the Chevy from unwanted bug and rock missiles.


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The truck just turned 97,000 miles and there is no end in sight for the Huffs. It’s a driver and they planned to leave on a 600-mile (one way) excursion through the Canadian Rockies two days after this interview.


The Huffs have definitely got things figured out- you don’t leave a family friend behind after all of these years.


Jim Sutherland



Many thanks for featuring our truck on your site. When you did the interview at Reynolds in Wetaskawin Marilyn mentioned that we were going on a long trip to Vancouver Island with the truck. We left on June 14th, did the Fathers Day Show and Shine at Qualicum Beach (650 plus cars) and had an absolutley fine time. Our Chevy truck received a great honour at the show in being declared the Best GM in the Show. This is an excellent show, very well organized and put on by a great bunch of people. It is on our list for next year. After leaving the island we made our way to Penticton for the Beach Cruise and Show the folowing weekend. Again a large show with about 800 plus cars. Some really neat stuff. We had a great time, but could only manage a 3rd place in the Poker Run. Great fun though. We came home via the Rogers Pass. The old truck travelled via the Yellowhead and Coquihalla on the way out, the Hope Princeton along the way, and finally the Rogers Pass. We are happy to report no problems and just under 1800 miles on the old green truck. Keep up the great work, the magazine is super and we have passed the link on to many friends. Regards Ken and Marilyn Huff”

For more great truck stories click here-https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/3-the-stars/star-truckin.html