There are two kinds of dog owners.
‘There’s the good kind (guys who let Rover ride shotgun) and the bad kind (guys who throw Rover in the back of the truck and hit 75 miles per hour on the highway).’
MSCC Dogs in Cars only focuses on the good kind.
This little fur-ball digs the classic iron and maybe that tall window sill is a big fence for him but he’s in a cool ride. Doggie World never looked better.
Here’s another back seat passenger but this guy can actually see out the window. He’s a big fan of the human chauffeur concept.
Back seats, human drivers, 1940s sedans and happy mutts seem to be the theme this month. Here’s another one.
Bigger dogs need bigger back seats–this guy looks like he could carry the truck on his back but there’s nothing wrong with the view from the comfort of a cab.
Fur-balls love the front seat of a shoe-box Ford because it’s like the big couch at home. These two guys love it so much they didn’t even duke it out for shotgun–it just came naturally.
The back seat of a 60s B-body Mopar is the perfect place for this curious little guy. He runs the show like a boss and he rides in style at the same time.
Finally there’s this guy in the back seat of a pink car. The car may be neon pink, but life couldn’t get any better for this pooch.
That’s the magic of Dogs in Cars.
Jerry Sutherland
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