

JUNE 2012 CAR SHOWS AND EVENTS-Please contact us to list your events https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/5-contact.html

JUNE 1-3: THREE HILLS ALBERTA “CRUISE NIGHT” WEEKEND 135 2nd Ave South 403.442.5822 info@threehills.ca http://www.threehills.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=199&Itemid=199


JUNE 1-3: YORK PENNSYLVANIA Street Rod Nationals East Plus 2012 York Expo Center


JUNE 1-3: MISSION BC TCT W.Cdn Vintage Trailer Revival 604-813-7305 http://www.tincantourists.com/

JUNE 1: COQUITLAM BC 2nd Geoff McElgunn Scholarship Show & Shine Centennial School https://sd43.bc.ca/secondary/centennial/Pages/default.aspx

JUNE 1-3: DEVIL’S LAKE NORTH DAKOTA 20th Annual Devil’s Run 701-740-7340 stan@greaterdakotaclassics.com / www.greaterdakotaclassics.com

JUNE 2: BLACKFALDS AB 8th Annual Blackfalds Days Oldies Show and Shine 403.304.0949 http://www.blackfalds.com/home 

JUNE 2: SASKATOON SK Elrose Sportsday & Show n Shine Saskatoon,SK 306-378-2750

JUNE 2: LOGAN LAKE BC Interior Swap Meet 250-573-5965 http://www.kamloops.vccc.com/

JUNE 2: REVELSTOKE BC Mountain Paradise Show & Shine 250-837-4764

JUNE 2: LINCOLN CA Downtown Lincoln 6th Annual Classic Car Show 5th St. & Hwy 65 Lincoln, California 96548 Alan Taylor 916-749-7468 www.rodsnrelics.net

JUNE 2: FERNDALE WA Haggen Show & Shine 360-380-9000

JUNE 2: CHASE BC Annual Vintage Car Show & Swap Vintage Car Art Holding Memorial Arena, 320 Shepherd Rd 250-573-5494 http://www.vccc.com/ 

JUNE 2: BURNABY BC Burnaby Heights Hats Off Day Show & Shine 604-802-0490 http://www.burnabyheights.com/qs/page/1824/1798/-1 

JUNE 2: HILLSBORO OREGON 30th Annual All Ford Show and Swap Meet 8:00 a.m. – 4 p.m.Washington County Fairgrounds Complex Mustang Wranglers of Oregon president@mustang-club.com Doug Dufault 503-330-7760

JUNE 2: EDMONTON AB Crystal Kids Annual Charity Show and Shine Ken 780.490.9044

JUNE 2: PALOUSE WA 8th Annual Spring BBQ & Hot Rod Gathering 208-301-0018

JUNE 2: DUVALL WA Big Rock Classic Car & Cycle Show 425-501-3955

JUNE 2: CASTLEGAR BC Lordco Castlegar’s Show & Shine 250-365-5015

JUNE 2: JORDON NY Stand Aaginst Suicide Car Show KEGS Canal Side in Jordan, New York Tara Dennee 315-882-2500 Tara@standagainstsuicide

JUNE 2: ANACORTES WA Waterfront Festival “All Corvette” Car Show Corvettes 630-299-9303 http://www.majesticglass.org/

JUNE 2-3: BURLEY ID Mini-Cassia Auto Collectors 26th annual event  Burley Fairgrounds East Main Street 83318  clas57@cableone.net

JUNE 2-3: PLEASANTON CA Goodguys Rod and Custom 19th Summer Get-together Fairgrounds http://www.good-guys.com/


JUNE 3: DUNCAN BC Show & Shine 250-748-7889

JUNE 3: OKOTOKS AB Kinsmen Show and Shine Keith 403.938.1588

JUNE 3: ST ORLAND PARK, IL. “United-4 A Cure”3rd Annual CAR & CYCLE SHOW @ The Riviera Country Club 8801 W. 143rd ALL proceeds for Cancer Research Rain Date: June 10th, 708-349-1100 or email: Jason@rivierasports.com

JUNE 3: FORT LANGLEY BC Model A Sunday 604-856-9796

JUNE 3: EVERETT WA ALL MOPAR Spring Round Up and Swap Meet Mariner High School 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.Benefits the Mariner High School Booster Club Dave Haberkorn – 206-852-2441 email vikinghabs1@frontier.com

JUNE 3: VANDERHOOF BC Hooterville Hoot 250-567-0821 http://www.cruisinclassics.ca/

JUNE 3: SASKATOON SK Draggin’s Club Appreciation BBQ 306-242-7586 info@draggins.com www.draggins.com

JUNE 3: BELLEVUE WA 40th Annual Early Ford V-8 and All Makes Car Show 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Puget Sound Regional Group of the Early Ford V-8 Club Bellevue Community College 3900 Landerholm Circle SE 425-226-5505 www.efv8psrg.org


JUNE 6: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show http://www.greyeaglecasino.ca/promos__events/events_calendar.h

JUNE 7: RED DEER AB Cruise Night http://www.facebook.com/reddeercruisenight

JUNE 7-9: TUCUMCARI NM Route 66 NM Motor Tour NM Route 66 Association Tucumcari to Gallup, NM, Begin on Route 66 in Tucumcari, NM Vickie 505-688-5829

JUNE 8-9: BISMARK ND Classtiques Rod Run 2012 701-319-0153 gregs@btinet.net www.classtiques.com

JUNE 8-9: MEDICINE HAT AB 10th Annual Power 2 the Pavement http://www.streetwheelers.com/

JUNE 8-10: LOVELAND CO Goodguy Rod and Custom 15th Colorado Nationals The Ranch Events Complex. Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars & Trucks thru ’72.

JUNE 8-10: CALGARY AB Diablos 8th Greaseball Bash Show and Shine Pat 403.630.3779

JUNE 8-10: HAVRE MT Hi-Line Cruzn Rod Run Barb Salerno 406-265-3163

JUNE 8-10: ASHCROFT BC Langley Loafers Old Times Drags http://www.langleyloafers.com/ashcroft.htm

JUNE 8-10: BUELLTON CALIFORNIA Rotary Central CoasterSaturday car show, all makes and years, middle day of a 3 day car event which includes poker run, swap, corral, gravity drags, bbq’s, sock hop, and cruises (Friday and Saturday).Avenue of Flags 376 Avenue of Flags Buellton, California 93427 rotarycentralcoaster.com


JUNE 9: ESTEVAN SK TNT Rods 10th Annual Show n Shine Estevan, SK 306-421-0189 jaba3@sasktel.net www.tntrods.com

JUNE 9: BASHAW AB Majestic Theatre at Bashaw AB is hosting a Show and Shine Glen Weins 780-372-2245 or email: majesticfriends@gmail.com 

JUNE 9: CALGARY AB FREE Show and Shine Starts At 10:00 am – Sponsored by Grey Eagle Casino Grey Eagle Casino will be donating half of the prize money from our Show ‘n’ Shine this Saturday June 9th to the Calgary Meals on Wheels http://www.greyeaglecasino.ca/

JUNE 9: SURREY BC Newton Community Festival Car Show 604-501-5540 http://www.newtoncommunityfestival.com/index.html

JUNE 9: TRAIL BC Smoke and Steel “Cruisin the Colombia” Classic Car Show http://www.smokensteelcarclub.com/car-show/index.php 

JUNE 9: WARMAN SK Valley Cruisers Show n Shine 306-222-6652 bpenner@heatrans.com

JUNE 9: ABBOTSFORD BC PISRA Poker Rally in the Valley 604-576-9854 tudor32@pisra.com

JUNE 9: BEISEKER AB 8th Annual Show and Shine Chris 403.947.2260

JUNE 9: KOKOMO IN  24th Annual BOPC/L Show The Central Indiana Buick Club Highland Park Behind the Elwood Haynes Museum, S. Webster Street  46902

JUNE 9: BURNABY BC Willingdon Ironmen Show & Shine rain or shine, BC 604-874-9687

JUNE 9: PARIS TEXAS 5th annual Northeast Texas Classic Car ShowThe Red River Valley Honkers Car Club/Lamar County Chamber of Commerce Love Civic Center903-783-6338 2025 S. Collegiate Paris, TX 75460 Gene Ray 903-783-6338

JUNE 9: PRINEVILLE OREGON Annual Cruise to the Center of Oregon Car Show, Swap Meet Hosted by the Crook County Rodders, Prineville Oregon. ccrodders.com Free to the public, held at the Crook County Fairgrounds, Prineville, OR from 8am to 4pm crookcorodders@aol.com or call 541.815.3320

JUNE 9: MOUNT VERNON WA Skagit Valley College Car Show 6th Annual Skagit Valley College Car Show presented by the SVC Auto Club will be held in the front parking lot of Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon, WA. Skagit Valley College

JUNE 9-10: WETASKIWAN ALBERTA Reynolds-Alberta Museum- History Road: The Ultimate Car Show 6426 40 Ave, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada T9A 0N3 (780) 361-1351Toll Free: 1 (800) 661-4726 reynoldsalbertamuseum@gov.ab.ca

JUNE 9-10: SYLVAN LAKE AB 1913 Days Show and Shine 587.876.8760 http://www.sylvanlake.ca/1913-days.htm


JUNE 10: PARKSVILLE BC Mid-Island Swap Meet 250-753-2730

JUNE 10: LANGLEY BC All Pontiac/GMC Show & Shine 604-468-3695

JUNE 10: WINDOM MN Karz-n-Trux Club Show-n-Shine Car Show Tegels Park 56101

JUNE 10: RICHMOND BC Lions Sockeye Run604-278-4448

JUNE 10: LANGLEY BC Corvette Show & Shine 604-533-2529 http://www.bccorvetteclub.ca/

JUNE 10: REGINA SK Collectors Car Club 9th Annual Heritage Fun Run 306-949-6590 www.collectorscarclub.com  whataboutbob@sasktel.ne

JUNE 10: SAN CLEMENTE CALIFORNIA Car Show Avenida Del Mar Downtown Business Association 16th annual car show on Avenida Del Mar. www.villagesanclemente.org

JUNE 10: SNOHOMISH WA El Camino and Chevelle Show The 20th Annual King Charley’s Show, 9-4 PM, Trophies, Prizes, Music, Raffles elcaminoclassics.com  King Charley’s Drive-In 1301 130th ST Snohomish, Washington 98290


JUNE 15: BROOKS AB Father’s Day Car Show at Sunrise Gardens Age Care Facility We were wondering if, through the members and clubs in this site, there would be any individuals willing to bring some old cars or vehicles for a mini car show for the residents for Father’s Day in Brooks, Alberta. Bianca van der Stoel bianca.vanderstoel@live.ca  403.634.4959

JUNE 15: ST. CATHERINES ON 24th Ontario Camaro Nationals 3530 Schmon Parkway, St. Catharines, Ontario L2V 4Y6, 1-877-848-3782 www.ontariocamaroclub.com (905)563-9815

JUNE 15: ROSETOWN SK Dusty Wheels Road Kill Cruise 306-882-3197

JUNE 15-17: RENO NV Reno Rockabilly Riot www.renorockabillyriot.com  775.750.4665 Robert or Paul mcghie@abombentertainment.com Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. Second Street Reno, NV 98595

JUNE 15-17: BANFF AB 43rd Banff Rod Run 780-453-2921

JUNE 15-16: COEUR D’LENE ID Car d’Lane Classic Car Weekend 208-415-0116

JUNE 15-17: QUALICUM BEACH BC Seaside Cruizers Show and Shine http://www.seasidecruizers.com/


JUNE 16: EDMONTON AB Edmonton Mopar Club Mopar Show http://www.edmontonmoparclub.ca/ 

JUNE 16: COQUITLAM BC KMS Tools Coquitlam Show & Shine 604- 522-5599 http://www.kmstools.com/

JUNE 16: DELBURNE AB Show and Shine Russ Barnes 403.350.8612

JUNE 16: CALGARY AB Capitol Hill Show and Shine Mitch 403.289.0859

JUNE 16: SAINTE ANNE DE BELLEVUE QC Cruisin at the Boardwalk Quebec’s 1st real waterfront boardwalk car show located on the shores of Lac St. Louis and Lake of Two Mountains. Saint-Anne Street http://cruisinattheboardwalk.ca/index.htm

JUNE 16: OLDS AB 7th Annual Mountain View Pistons Show and Shine http://www.mountainviewpistons.com/

JUNE 16: LANGLEY BC Summer Sizzle Poker Run 604-534-6044

JUNE 16: LLOYDMINSTER AB Just Kruzin Show & Shine Annual Car Show Lakeland College Campus 2602-59 Ave  http://www.justkruzin.com/

JUNE 16: SURREY BC Czorny Center Dad’s Day 604-590-3079 http://www.lambscarclub.com/

JUNE 16: SASKATOON SK Stoon Mustang/Classic Ford Club Show n Shine 306-382-6774 Al.Hollman@sasktel.net

JUNE 16: CALGARY AB Fifty 567 Club Cruise-In Lorne 403.637.3985

JUNE 16: KILLLAM AB 3rd annual Show and Shine Contact info killamshow.shine@gmail.com Box 600 T0B 2L0 Killam, AB

JUNE 16: DEER LODGE MT Territorial Days Parade 23rd Annual Show N Shine David Williams 406-846-2094 http://www.powellcountymontana.com/territorial-day.html

JUNE 16: FAIRVIEW AB Street Spectacular Show and Shine Don 780.835.2804

JUNE 16: SURREY BC Maxximum Nova Acadian Cruise 604-302-8852 http://www.stevesnovasite.com/forums/showthread.php?

JUNE 16: FLAMBROUGH ONTARIO 3rd Annual Car Bike Show for Breast Cancer Cars & Bikes Wanted No Entry Fee Donations Welcome Campers Choice Awards Contact Kevin or Tamara Eady  Olympia Village info@olympiavillage.ca 1-519-756-1731

JUNE 16: OLDS AB Antique Willys Association 6th Annual Show and Shine Donna 403.946.5286 http://www.antiquewillys.com/events.html

JUNE 16: COQUITLAM BC Mustang Hell’s Gate Cruise 604-931-5045 http://www.westcoastmustangs.ca/

JUNE 16-17: REGINA SK Holy Smoke Show and Shine Burnout Open 306.596.7900


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JUNE 17: MEACHAM SK.4th Annual Fathers Day Show n Shine 306-376-2066 irisandtony@sasktel.net

JUNE 17: VEGREVILLE AB Iron Runners Father’s Day Car Show Bill 780.632.2793 http://vegironrunners.ca/

JUNE 17: EDMONTON AB Church on 99th Father’s Day Show and Shine Julie 780.424.8724

JUNE 17: CHICAGO IL Mecca Supper Club Annual Father’s Day Car Show Mecca Supper Club 6666 N. Northwest Highway Chicago, Illinois 60631 www.meccasupperclub.com

JUNE 17: CALGARY AB Alberta Iron Indian all Pontiac Show and Shine Berry 403.818.4111 http://www.ironindians.ab.ca/

JUNE 17: VERNON BC N. Okanagan VCCC Father’s Day Car Show 250- 260-3969 http://northokanagan.vccc.com/

JUNE 17 CROSSFIELD AB 9th Annual Show and Shine Carl 403.478.4440 

JUNE 17: VERNON BC Wings N Wheels 250-241-5000 http://www.wingsnwheels.org/

JUNE 17: EDMONTON AB Lake Summerside Father’s Day Show and Shine Tanya 780.497.7558

JUNE 17: MISSION BC Old Car Sunday In The Park 604-463-4298 http://www.oldcarsunday.ca/

JUNE 17: PRINCE GEORGE BC Cruisin’ Classics Father’s Day Show & 250- 561-1247 http://www.cruisinclassics.ca/

JUNE 17: KELOWNA BC Father’s Day Show & Shine 250-868-2693

JUNE 17: PUYALLUP WA All Pontiac Street Show 206-363-5753 http://www.pugetsoundpoci.com/

JUNE 17: BURLINGTON WA Berry Cool Car Show 360-757-6680

JUNE 17: CANMORE AB Rolling Sculpture Car Club Show & Shine 403- 493-0444 http://rollingsculpture.ca/

JUNE 17: NORTH VANCOUVER Fathers Day Italian/French Vehicle 604- 988-7904

JUNE 18-22: CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA CALIFORNIA Skyliners of America Regional Meet Carmel Mission Inn 3665 Rio Road Carmel-By-The-Sea, California 93923


JUNE 21-24: MISSION BC Scrambled Egg Meet Sons of Norway Campground (near Hatzic, about 10 minutes away from Mission) http://www.bolerama.org/Bolerama/Rallies.html

JUNE 22: BURNABY BC City Fair Show & Shine 604-802-0490 http://www.edmondsfestivals.com/

JUNE 22-23: FAIRBANKS ALASKA Alaska Midnight Sun Cruise-in http://www.fountainheadmuseum.com Wedgewood Resort 212 Wedgewood Drive Nancy DeWitt info@fountainheadmuseum.com 907-458-61

JUNE 22-24: VICTORIA BC Island vintage T-Bird 30th Anniversary 250- 474-4355

JUNE 22-24:ST. PAUL MN 39th Annual MSRA Back to the 50’s Weekend / www.msra.com

JUNE 22-24: PENTICTON BC Peach City Beach Cruise http://www.peachcitybeachcruise.com/

JUNE 22-24: PUEBLO COLORADO Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals Plus 2012 Colorado State Fairgrounds

JUNE 22-24: HANNA AB Rock n’ Roll Cruisers Car Show and 1/8 mile drags http://www.hannacruisers.com/schedule.html



JUNE 23: BOWIE TEXAS 9th Annual Jim Bowie Days Car Show 9th Annual ‘Jim Bowie Days Car Show’ at Pelham Park, Bowie, Tx. Piston Heads Car Club, PO Box 245, Sunset, Tx., 76270. Curtis Turk 817-296-6246 or Tom Ballew 940-872-1572.

JUNE 23: CALGARY AB Alberta Mustang Association 29th Annual Presidential Show and Shine to be held on Saturday June 23, 2012. *** Once again it will be held at the Grey Eagle Casino (37th St and Glenmore Trail SW).. www.abmustang.com

JUNE 23: CARSELAND AB Lions Show and Shine Bill 403.934.4067 http://www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/carseland/

JUNE 23: CALGARY AB Al Azhar Shriners 7TH Annual SHOW N SHRINE ALL proceeds from our show are directed towards the Al Azhar Shriners Transportation fund helping childrEn with hospital care. 2012 President Frank Silliker 403-252-0518 http://www1.clubrunner.ca/CRGeneric/dprg/DxHome/_home.aspx?did=1079

JUNE 23: WEYBURN SK Car Club 11th Annual Show n Shine gmsimpson@accesscomm.ca

JUNE 23: HANNA AB Cruisers Show and Shine http://www.hannacruisers.com/

JUNE 23-24: SOUTHEY SK 30th Mopar Muscle Meet 306.726.2060

JUNE 24: RED DEER AB Meet us at the Crossroads Show and Shine Dave 403.347.2333

JUNE 24: CHILLIWACK BC Village Classic Show & Shine 604-792-4576 http://www.twincityidlers.org/

JUNE 24: LANGLEY BC Show & Shine 604-513-9458

JUNE 24: STANWOOD WA Twin City Idlers Show & Shine 360-629-2972 http://www.twincityidlers.org/

JUNE 24: SHELTON WA Mason County Historical Car Show 360-898-3216 http://www.yesteryearcarclub.com/

JUNE 24: SAANICHTON BC Victoria Swap meet 250-654-0265 http://victoria.vccc.com/

JUNE 24: INDIAN HEAD SK Flatland Cruisers 6th Annual Show n Shine 306-660-7226 kool62@sasktel.net

JUNE 24: LANGLEY BC Druids and Fluids Drive 604-590-3079 http://www.lambscarclub.com/


JUNE 28: COQUITLAM BC Mustang Manning Park Run 604-931-5045http://www.westcoastmustangs.ca/

JUNE 29-30: MISSOULA MT The 12th Annual Garden City River Rod Run Missoula Downtown Association 406-543-4238 http://www.missouladowntown.com/

JUNE 29-JULY 1: STURGIS SD  Sturgis Camaro Rally http://sturgis-camaro-rally.com/

JUNE 29-JULY 1: SIOUX FALLS SD Automania 605-338-4884 http://www.automaniasiouxfalls.com/

JUNE 30: SICAMOUS BC Fabulous Classic Car Show & Swap 250- 836-2855 http://shuswap.vccc.com/index.htm

JUNE 30: WABAMUM AB Fun Daze and Classic Show and Shine Joanne 780.908.1292 http://www.wabamun.ca/

JUNE 30: SWEET HOME OREGON 4th Annual “Sweet Ride Event” 7:00am – 3:00pm 880 22nd Ave. Susan Angland/Larry Angland (541) 818-0222  sweethomesweetride@comcast.net www.sweethomesweetride.com

JUNE 30: DONALDA AB Show and Shine Jeff 403.883.2228 http://www.village.donalda.ab.ca/

JUNE 30: SUMAS WA Show & Shine 360-988-5711 http://www.sumaschamber.com/

JUNE 30: ROSEMARY AB 4th Annual Auto Show Bruce 403.378.4379

JUNE 30: FLORENCE OREGON 4th Annual Wings and Wheels Aircraft Fly-In and Car Show.Florence Municipal Airport Hosted by The Florence Chamber of Commerce and the Florence-Siuslaw Lions Club.Cal Appleby Florence Chamber of Commerce 1-541-997-3128, or Mike Groshong with the Lions Club at 1-541-2687 email jmconnections@lycos.com.

JUNE 30: VALLEYVIEW AB Highway 43 Cruisers Annual Show and Shine Bryan 780.524.8044

JUNE 30-JULY 1: ALIX AB Highriders Challenge XII Canada’s Ultimate 4×4 Event Tail Creek Race Way, Alix AB http://www.highriders.ca/

JUNE 30-JULY 1: ABBOTSFORD BC Lepp Farm Market “Smoke on the Hwy” BBQ, Show & Shine 604-851-5377

FOR JULY 2012 CAR SHOWS AND EVENTS PLEASE CLICK HERE- https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/2-features/special-issue/1360-july-2012-car-shiows-and-events.html
