

JULY 2012 CAR SHOWS AND EVENTS-Please contact us to list your club events https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/5-contact.html

JULY 1: CALGARY AB Canada Day Show and Shine FREE BBQ – NOON – 2:00P.M. Grey Eagle Casino will donate 10.00 to Prostate Canada Calgary Network for every car that registers for the show and shine. http://www.greyeaglecasino.ca/

JULY 1: ASSINIBOIA SK.Southern Cruisers 20th Annual Demolition Derby Tuff Truck Derby 306-642-4705 southerncruisers@sasktel.net

JULY 1: RED DEER AB Show and Shine “Pennies for Homeless Veterans” Fundraiser Parkland Mall

JULY 1: CALGARY AB Prostate Cancer Fundraiser Show and Shine http://pccncalgary.org/ 

JULY 1: RISING SUN INDIANA Shiner Pride Car 2012 Car Show http://www.shinerpridecarshow.com/

JULY 1: PORT ALBERNI BC Golden Oldies Show ‘n Shine 250- 723-8344

JULY 1: FT ST JOHN BC Canada Day Show & Shine 250-794-8000 http://www.fsjclassiccruisers.ca/ 

JULY 1: FORT SASKATCHEWAN AB Canada Day Show and Shine 780.991.6748 http://www.fortsask.ca/fortsask/default.aspx

JULY 1: BLACKIE AB Canada Day Show and Shine http://www.blackie.ca/canada_day.htm

JULY 1: SALTSPRING ISLAND BC Canada Day Show & Shine 250- 537-9749 http://www.saltspringcarclub.com/canadaday.html

JULY 1: GRANUM AB Canada Day Show and Shine and Steak Barbeque Terry 403.680.2645

JULY 1: BLIND BAY BC Canada Day Show & Shine 250-675-6803

JULY 1: CONSORT AB Weeds to Street Show and Shine Craig 403.577.3900

JULY 1: HOPE BC Canada Day Car Show At The Park 604-750-8648 http://www.hopechamber.bc.ca/

JULY 1: ATHABASCA AB Classic Cruisers Car Show Eli 780.675.9420

JULY 1: VICTORIA BC Gorge Picnic Canada Day Show & Shine 250- 389-1802 http://www.gorgetillicum.ca/

JULY 1: CALGARY AB East Village Show and Shine Brian 403.262.6009

JULY 1: WESTBANK BC Westside Daze Show & Shine 866-707-1666 http://www.westsidedaze.com/

JULY 1: HIGH RIVER AB Christmas in the Park for Rowan House Gary 403.472.3435 http://www.rowanhouse.ca/

JULY 1-3: DES MOINES IOWA 20th Heartland Nationals Iowa State Fairgrounds www.heartlandnats.com (515) 262-3111 www.iowastatefair.org


JULY 4-7: DES MOINES IOWA The Oldsmobile Club of Iowa Host the 2012 Oldsmobile Club of America Car Show and Swap Meet Iowa Event Center, Downtown Des Moines, IA. https://oldsclubofiowa.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55&Itemid=64

JULY 4: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show http://www.greyeaglecasino.ca/promos__events/events_calendar.html

JULY 4: BLAINE WA Old Fashioned 4th of July Car Show 360- 332-8311 http://www.cityofblaine.com/

JULY 6-8: FERNDALE W.C.C.A. Firecracker Rod Run 360-734-5931 http://www.wccruising.com/

JULY 6-8: PT. ANGELESS WA Old timers 44th Rod Run Secret Agent 360- 405-1432

JULY 6-8:COLUMBUS OHIO 15th Goodguys PPG Nationals Ohio Expo Center

JULY 6-8: DAWSON CREEK BC Mile Zero Cruisers Summer Cruise 250- 782-5804 http://www.milezerocruisers.ca/

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JULY 7: PRINCETON BC Main Street Show & Shine 250-295-0879

JULY 7: SALMON ARM BC VCCC Shuswap Chapter Harbor Front Cruise 250-675-5091 http://shuswap.vccc.com/index.htm

JULY 7: PICTURE BUTTE AB Piyami Cruisers 19th Annual Show & Shine at the Lions Park http://piyamicruisers.webs.com/whenwhere.htm 

JULY 7: PENDER ISLAND 6th Pender Island Highlanders Show & 250- 629-6523

JULY 7: LYMAN WA Car & Craft Show 360-855-1280

JULY 7: PENDER BRITISH COUMBIA Highlanders 6th Annual Show and Shine Karl Hamson’s fields (Behind the Community Hall) (Jim Dunlop) at 250-629-6523

JULY 7: PRINCE ALBERT SASKATCHEWAN 17th annual car show, (306) 764-9000 3725 – 2nd Avenue W

JULY 7-8: MISSION BC West Coast Pro Mod Challenge 604- 826-6315 http://www.missionraceway.com/

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JULY 8: NEW WESTMINSTER BC Royal City Show & Shine 604-524-4996 http://www.downtownnewwest.ca/

JULY 8: SURREY BC Newton Show & Shine for Parkinsons 604-307-4565

JULY 8: WESTLOCK AB Wheels of Class Show and Shine Andy 780.349.4622

JULY 8: VICTORIA BC 9th Annual Classy Caddys at the Fort 250- 370-5557 http://www.bccadillacclub.ca/

JULY 8: ISSAQUAH WA All Camaro & Chevy Show 2011 360- 805-9611 http://www.pnwcc.com/acs2.html

JULY 8: NORTH VANCOUVER BC Corvette Club Waterfront Show & Shine 604-541-7669 http://www.bccorvetteclub.ca/

JULY 8: RENTON Return To Renton Car Show 425-430-7589 http://www.gorenton.com/play/returntorentoncarshow

JULY 8: SEDRO-WOOLEY WA No Veteran Forgotten Car Show 360- 757-7770

JULY 8: LANGLEY BC Mopar Madness 604-930-4963 http://www.moparsunlimited.net/

JULY 8: MOOSE JAW SK Run to Besant  306-692-7398  crsigns@shaw.ca

JULY 8: EUGENIA OREGON 4th Fools Rush Cruise-in  Eugenia Ball Park at corner of Inkerman and Pellisier 11am-3pm Don Alp 519-924-3367 http://www.eugeniagoldrush.com/

JULY 8: REGINA SASKATCHEWAN Saskatchewan Ford Mercury Club Car Show & Shine 2701 Avonhurst Dr Event Ron Wight splitwindowhr@sasktel.net : 306-352-3984  http://www.saskfordmerc.ca 

JULY 8:MERRICKVILLE ONTARIO  12th annual Merrickville Car Show “Cruise & Shop” http://www.merrickvillecarshow.com/Welcome_to_the_2012_Merrickville_Car_Show.html


JULY 12-15:PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND International Motoring Festival http://www.peiimf.com/

JULY 12-15: IOLA WISCONSIN The 40th Anniversary Iola Old Car Show and Swap Meet ’12 theme has been selected: “21st Century Orphans: A tribue to Plymouth, Oldsmobile, Mercury and Pontiac”. information@iolaoldcarshow.com 715-445-4000 http://www.iolaoldcarshow.com/index.asp

JULY 12-15:MONCTON NEW BRUNSWICK The 12th Annual Atlantic Nationals Automotive Extravaganza http://www.atlanticnationals.com/

JULY 12-14: LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY 33rd Annual Falcon Nationals Fern Valley Hotel and Conference Center 2715 Fern Valley Road Louisville, Kentucky 40213 www.tristatefalconnationals2012.com

JULY 13-15: LA GRANDE OREGON Grande Ronde-A-View Weekend http://www.timbercruiserscarclub.com

JULY 13-15: LETHBRIDGE AB Street Wheelers Cruise, 100 ft. shootout, show and shine http://www.streetwheelers.com/

JULY 13-15: SPOKANE WA V8 Ford Spokane Swap Meet 509- 448-0154 http://www.earlyfordv8ie.org/

JULY 13-15: PONOKA AB Hog Root Rod Run Gene 403.783.5322

JULY 13-15: LUMBY BC Cam Jammers Rod Run 2012 250- 546-0156 http://camjammers.ca/

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JULY 14: BRECHIN ON Crate’s Marina – Lagoon City – Brechin, Ontario Ramara Chamber of Commerce Box 144 – Brechin, Ontario L0K 1B0 Phone: 705-484-2141 Email: info@ramarachamber.com  Fax: 705-484-0161 http://www.ramarachamber.com/

JULY 14: STONY PLAIN AB 3rd Annual Parking for Parkinsons Show and Shine Bruce 780.910.2498

JULY 14: CORNWALL ON The 16th annual Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off Hot Air Balloon Festival is proud to announce the inaugural Classic Car Show component to this years event!  info@lift-off.ca 1-800-937-4748 http://www.lift-off.ca/schedule/computer-sense-launch-field/

JULY 14: HARRISON MILLS BC Kilby Historic Site Car Show 604- 796-9576 http://www.kilby.ca/  

JULY 14: OYEN AB Lions Show and Shine Rolly 403.664.3895 http://www.aroundsamda.com/Default.aspx?tabid=2402&ctl=Privacy

JULY 14: VANCOUVER BC Marpole Summerfest Show & Shine 604- 802-0490 http://www.marpoleonline.com/

JULY 14: RUSSELL MB Redliners Street Show 204-773-3338 my4146chevys@yahoo.com

JULY 14 SYLVAN LAKE AB Customs and Classics Show and Shine  Gord 403.887.7047

JULY 14: LONG BEACH CA Bixby Knolls Car Show and Drag Meet http://bixbyknollscarshow.com/index.html

JULY 14: CALGARY AB Rollers Hot Rod-Arama Wesley 403.289.0711

JULY 14: PORCUPINE PLAIN SK 8th Annual Show n Shine 306-278-2311 porcupineplain@sasktel.net

JULY 14: LAGOON CITY ONTARIO 2nd Annual Ramara Classic Car and Boat Show Ramara Chamber Of Commerce 705-484-2141

JULY 14: PILOT BUTTE SK Gettn Yer Kicks on Route 46 Show n Shine / 306-781-4521 jimprovise@hotmail.com

JULY 14-15: DUNCAN BC Antique Truck Show 250-743-7818 http://www.athsvancouverislandchapter.com/

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JULY 15: ROSEDALE BC Minter Gardens Classic Car Show 604-794-7191 http://www.mintergardens.com/MG_CarShow.htm 

JULY 15: RIMBEY AB Parking in the Park Annual Show and Shine Cheryl 403.843.2004

JULY 15: BURNS LAKE BC Show & Shine 250-692-5721

JULY 15: RED DEER AB Ford Central 24th Annual Show & Shine Sheraton Hotel Parking Lot (Former Capri Hotel) 3310-50Ave, Red Deer, Ab. Contact: Dwight Pedersen 403-314-2051 http://www.fordcentral.ca/

JULY 15: SASKATOON SK Long & McQuade Music’s 4th Annual Car Show 306-664-1966 petew@long-mcquade.com

JULY 15: LINDSAY ONTARIO Classics on Kent Lindsay Downtown lined with Antiques, Classics, Rods & Customs Jessica King 705-324-2393 http://www.classicsonkent.com/classics/Home.html

JULY 15: SALMON ARM 2nd Annual Bear Tracks Poker Run– Profits to the BC Heart & Stroke Foundation Buzz 250.833.5591 http://bear-tracks-poker-run.webs.com/


 JULY 18: CARSTAIRS AB Westview Co-op Carstairs Parking Lot The Fuel Junkies Car Club first show and shine Dwight Toews 403-923-7671 http://www.fueljunkiescarclub.com/

JULY 19:SASKATOON SK. Mustang/Classic Ford Inter Club Openhouse / 306-382-6774/ Al.Hollman@sasktel.net

JULY 19-22: MARWAYNE AB Prairie Egg Gathering Bolerama 780-875-3180 modleh@shaw.ca www.bolerama.org/prairiemeet

JULY 20-22: 100 MILE HOUSE Hot July Nights Car & Bike Show 250-395-6124 http://www.hotjulynights.ca/

JULY 20: ALDERGROVE BC Festival Days 3rd Show & Shine 604- 607-0247 http://www.aldergrovefairdays.com/

JULY 20-21: ECHO VALLEY SK Northside Street Rods Hotrod Hi-Jinx 306-539-4017 koolkatdesigns@yahoo.com


JULY 21: RUTLAND BC “Feel The Heat” All Pontiac Show 250-762-4207

JULY 21: VIKING AB 1st Annual Viking Car and Grille Car Show Live Music by: The Maltby Crew Dash plaques Trophies Registration 8am – 12pm awards at 3pm snovalley@live.com http://snovalley.weebly.com/

JULY 21: ST. MARTINS NB Old Home Week Show ‘n Shine , 10 am -5pm , Harbor Park , Live Entertainment , fee $5. Ph 506-386-1200 .

JULY 21: OLDS AB “End of the World” Rocket Round-Up 2012 Olds Northern Lights Chapter http://oldsnorthernlights.com/roundup.asp

JULY 21: MACKENZIE BC Car Show 250-997-5502

JULY 21: MEDICINE HAT AB Vintage Vehicles Show and Shine Pioneer Village Garry 403.528.9918

JULY 21: CALGARY AB European Classic Car Meet Stanley Park http://www.vsccc.ca/

JULY 21: CAYUGA ONTARIO Cayugafest Along the banks of the Grand River Ouse Street, Cayuga cayugafest@hotmail.com Sue Carter & Wendy Tanner

JULY 21: HIGH PRAIRIE AB Show and Shine Cody 780.523.0129 

JULY 21: OLDS ALBERTA Oldsmobile Rocket Round Up 780-417-4062 ken.pilidis@shaw.ca www.oldsclub.ca

JULY 21:CALGARY AB First Alliance Church 5th Annual Show n Shine 403-236-5619 www.show-n-shine.ca

JULY 21:LLOYDMINSTER AB Auto Club Specialty Vehicle Show 780-745-2545 lloydautoclub@ruralsurf.net

JULY 21: MOOSE JAW SK 2nd Annual Show & Shine 306-693-1906/ mjshowshine@shaw.ca http://members.shaw.ca/mjshowshine 

JULY 21: LYONS OREGON Santiam Valley Grange Car Show and BBQ Santiam Valley Grange 1140 5th st. Lyons, Oregon 97374

JULY 21: LACOMBE AB Show and Shine http://www.lacombedays.ca/

JULY 21-22: VERNON BC Mopars at The Ranch 250-542-0393 http://www.okanaganmopars.ca/

JULY 21-22: MISSION BC Luca Oil Canadian National Open/NHRA Event 604-826-6315 http://www.missionraceway.com/

JULY 21-22: CARSTAIRS AB Fuel Junkies Show and Shine/100 Foot Shootout Dwight 403.337.2435 http://www.fueljunkiescarclub.com/

JULY 21-22: YORKTON SK Kambuster’s 1/8th Mile Prairie Thunder Drags Drags 306-782-0306 www.kambusters.ca  /   roadragecustoms@live.com


JULY 22: VICTORIA BC V.I.M.A. Summer Spectacular 250- 881-1423 http://vima.stangnet.com/

JULY 22: DRAYTON VALLEY AB The Northern Thunder Car Club Northern Thunder Car Club 15th Annual Show & Shine http://www.northernthundercarclub.com/

JULY 22: COQUITLAM BC Boulevard 500 Show & Shine 604- 534-6044

JULY 22: SNOHOMISH WA Kla Ha Ya Days Rod, Custom & Classic Car 425-493-7824 http://www.klahayadays.com/

JULY 22: LONGVIEW AB Little New York Daze Show and Shine Dave 403.558.3940 http://www.village.longview.ab.ca/

JULY 22: ALDERGROVE BC Langley Quarter Midget Association.Show & 604-607-0247 http://www.lqma.ca/

JULY 22: VICTORIA BC Fords & Friends Picnic 250-479-2793

JULY 22: AGASSIZ BC Harrison Lions Street Meet 604-795-0282

JULY 22: KELOWNA BC Okanagan Mustangs & Fords- All Ford Show & Shine 250-769-7614 http://www.okmustangsandfords.com/

JULY 22: NORTH VANCOUVER BC Edgemont Village Show & Shine 604-980-8742 http://www.edgemont-village.com/

JULY 22: VANCOUVER BC 12th “Tutto Italiano” Italian Car/Motorcycle 604-430-3337

JULY 22: REGINA SK Mustang (+Ford) Owners Club of Sask. 2012 Annual Show’N’Shine 306-586-6984 mustangsask@gmail.com 


JULY 25-28: STURBRIDGE MA Northeast Corvair Council host the 2012 Corvair Society of America’s International Convention 42nd annual CORSA Convention Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center. 366 Main Street (Route 20), Sturbridge, MA 01566 http://www.corvair.org/

JULY 26-29: PORTLAND OREGON Monte Shelton Northwest Classic Rally Portland to Bend, Oregon 24th edition of this celebration of pre-1981 collector cars. Alfa Romeo Owners of Oregon Downtown Portland Reid Trummel at 503.753.3700

JULY 27-29: MISSION BC Langley Loafers B.C. Oldtime Drags At Mission http://www.langleyloafers.com/

JULY 27-29: PUYALLUP WA Goodguys 25th Pacific NW Nationals Puyallup Fairgrounds http://www.good-guys.com/


JULY 28: BEAUMONT AB 4th Annual Summer Nights Show and Shine Rob 780.720.8402

JULY 28: COURTENAY BC 26th Graffiti Bash Saturday Nite Cruise 250- 897-0282 http://www.cvclassiccruisers.com/

JULY 28: ARDROSSAN AB Ukrainian Triangle Car Cruise Leaving the Highway 16 ESSO in Ardrossan, at 8am sharp.Trip is 400kms. And will take all day. Open to all makes, models, and years. Bikes invited as well. Contact Ryan 780-993-3119 (call or text)

JULY 28: KAMLOOPS BC Chrome On The Grass Show & Shine 250- 573-4966

JULY 28: CHESTERMERE AB 11th Annual Show and Shine Elaine 403.272.5354 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chestermere-Car-Nutz/102808249800445

JULY 28: FERNDALE BC Old Settlers Car Show 360-319-0185

JULY 28: GIBSONS BC 11th Show & Shine 604-885-8841 http://www.coasterscarclub.ca/

JULY 28: VICTORIA BC Jaguars on the Island 250-656-0030 http://www.jaguarcarclubofvictoria.wildapricot.org/

JULY 28: FRAZEE MINNESOTA 3rd Annual Tyler Shipman Memorial Car Show http://www.tylershipmanmemorialcarshow.com/

JULY 28:REGINA SK Collectors Car Club 26th Annual Charity Cruise N’ Shine 306-949-6590 www.collectorscarclub.com whataboutbob@sasktel.net

JULY 28: WATROUS SK Watrous/Manitou Fun Run Auto Show n Shine 306-946-2756 laura_lindgren2000@yahoo.ca www.watrousfunrun.com 

JULY 28-29: MISSION BC Langley Loafers Old-Time Drags 604- 826-6315 http://www.missionraceway.com/


JULY 29: TUMBLER RIDGE Cruisers Show & Shine 250-242-5826

JULY 29: CHILLCOTHE OH Classic Car Show[ Hosted by Southern Ohio Corvette Club ] to be held at Adena Manision and Gardens 846 Adena Rd. Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 davidcarle55@yahoo.com David 740-772-2636  http://southernohiocorvetteclub.com/

JULY 29: BONNYVILLE AB 2nd Annual Gear Grabbers Classic Shon 780.573.8951

JULY 29: COURTENAY BC 26th Annual Graffiti Bash Show & Shine 250- 897-0282 http://www.cvclassiccruisers.com/

JULY 29: RADISON SK Show n Shine 306-827-2203 Kirk.Maxwell@gov.sk.ca

JULY 29: OKOTOKS AB Route 66 Fun Cruise Keith 403.938.1588

JULY 29: MERRITT BC Nicola Valley Cruisers Show & Shine 250- 378-5761

JULY 29: BRUNO SK 7th Annual Show n Shine 306-369-2669 tammiekrentz@hotmail.com

JULY 29: BONNYVILLE AB 2nd Annual Gear Grabbers Classic All Make’s & Models Show & Shine Shon (780)573-8951 shong@ducharmemotors.com  www.geargrabbers.ca

JULY 29: GIG HARBOR Cruise The Narrows Car Show 360-782-4663 http://gigharborcruisers.org/

JULY 29: PLYMOUTH MICHIGAN Concours d’Elegance of America The Inn at St. John’s 44045 Five Mile Road Tina Pesek tina@concoursusa.org (248) 643-8645 http://www.concoursusa.org/

JULY 30-AUGUST 5: RED DEER AB Rockin Red Deer (SuperRun) 403: 396-7502 / albertasuperrunassoc@shaw.ca www.rocknreddeer.com

FOR A LOOK AHEAD TO AUGUST 2012 CAR SHOWS PLEASE CLICK HERE-https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/2-features/special-issue/1362-august-2012-car-shows-and-events.html
