
july13-imgp6697-001This is last year’s page- YOU HAVE TO CLICK HERE for JULY 2014 CAR SHOWS

*Please contact us about your Car Shows and Events

JUNE 28-JULY 1: OLDS AB 2013 International Antique Auto Meet Hosted by the Central Alberta Vintage Auto Phyllis Chadderton at PhyllisChad@explornet.ca

JUNE 28-JULY 1: WESTBANK BC Canada Day International Classic and Antique Car Show & Shine 

JULY 1: ROSEMARY AB Canada Day 5th Annual Show and Shine Rod 403.501.3608

JULY 1: STONY PLAIN AB Multicultural Center CANADA DAY Car Show & Shine 54 Ave. & 51 Street parking lot. Vicki 780.963.2858 or Jean 780.963.2777

JULY 1: ALLIANCE AB Canada Day July 1 Classics & Customs Car & Truck Show and Shine. Contact Roy @ 780-390-0329 or Jeremy @ 780-385-8445

JULY 1: FT ST JOHN BC Classic Cruisers Canada Day Show and Shine

JULY 1: CALGARY AB Fort Calgary East Village Antique Car Show

JULY 1: HIGH RIVER AB River City Classics Christmas in the Park Doug 403.652.4366

JULY 1: OTTAWA ON Canada Day Arts Festival Car Show

JULY 1: CANNINGTON ON 2013 Canada Day Festival and Show and Shine

JULY 1: STONY PLAIN AB Canada Day Show and Shine 780.963.2777

JULY 1: VICTORIA BC Gorge Picnic Canada Day Show & Shine 250.389.1802

JULY 1: GRANUM Canada Day Show and Shine and Steak Barbeque Terry 403.680.2645

JULY 1: SALTSPRING BC Canada Day Show & Shine 250.537.9749

JULY 1: ATHABASCA AB Classic Cruisers Car Show Eli 780.675.9420

JULY 1: SURREY BC Canada Day Show & Shine 604.594.6800

JULY 1: HOPE BC Canada Day Car & Truck Show In The Park 604.750.8648

JULY 1: BLIND BAY BC Canada Day Show & Shine 250.675.6803

JULY 1: RED DEER AB Show and Shine “2nd Annual Raising Funds for Homeless Veterans

JULY 3: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JULY 5-7: BRUDENALL PEI Street Rod Association’s 35th Show ‘n Shine July 5th, 6th & 7th – 2013 at the Old Brudenell Park Wayne MacLeod 902.569.3033 or Charlie Moore 902.838.4393.

JULY 6: PENDER ISLAND BC The Pender Highlanders Pipe Band is hosting the 7th annual Show & Shine at Karl Hamson’s fields (behind the Community Hall), Jim Dunlop 250.629.6523

JULY 6: CAMROSE AB Camrose Cruisers Show and Shine *rainout date from May

JULY 6: RIMBEY AB Park’n in the Park Show and Shine Cheryl 403.843.2004

JULY 6: PRINCETON BC Main Street Show & Shine 250.295.0879

JULY 6: MEDICINE HAT AB Motor Bike and Classic Car Show and Shine Medicine Hat Mall Parking lot Shawn 403.580.6996 or Heather 403.528.0562

JULY 6: SALMON ARM BC VCCC Shuswap Chapter Harbour Front Cruise 250.675.5091

JULY 7: PORT ALBERNI Golden Oldies Show ‘n Shine Williamson Park 250.723.8344

aw cruisin events logo-001JULY 7: SURREY BC 13th A&W Newton Show & Shine for Parkinson’s

JULY 7: EDMONTON AB Mainstreet Cruisers 20th Anniversary Show & Shine, Bonnie Doon Centre 82nd St & 83rd Ave, Edmonton, AB

JULY 7: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways Sportsman, Mini Sprint Hobby & Mini Stock race@caraceways.ca 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

JULY 7: COQUITLAM BC 7th Annual Show & Shine 604.939.7034

JULY 7: WHITBY ON Grass Roots Show ‘n Shine 1150 Champlain Court, Grass_Roots@live.ca!

JULY 7: NORTH VANCOUVER BC Corvette Club Waterfront Show & Shine 604.541.7669

JULY 7: MOOSE JAW SK Run to Besant Car Show

JULY 10: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JULY 11-14: MONCTON NB The 13th Annual Atlantic Nationals Automotive Extravaganza. Sponsored by Cruisin’ the Dub 

JULY 12-14: LETHBRIDGE AB The Lethbridge Street Wheelers Street Machine Weekend

JULY 12-14: DAWSON CREEK BC Mile Zero Cruisers Summer Cruise 2013 250.782.5804

JULY 13: SYLVAN LAKE AB Customs and Classics Show and Shine Gord 403.887.7047

JULY 13: CALGARY AB Rollers Car Club Hot Rod-o-Rama Capitol Hill Community Centre

JULY 13: MEDICINE HAT AB Vintage Vehicle Show and Shine

JULY 13: VANCOUVER BC Marpole Summerfest Show & Shine Granville St 604.418.8232

JULY 13: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways 200′ Drag Racing race@caraceways.ca 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

JULY 13: LUMBY BC Cam Jammers Rod Run Show & Shine 250.546.0156

JULY 13-14: LUMBY BC Cam Jammers Rod Run Camp Out 2013 250.546.0156

JULY 13-14: DUNCAN BC Antique Truck Show 250.743.7818

JULY 13-14: HARRISON MILLS BC Kilby Historic Site Car Show 604.796.9576

JULY 13-14: 100 MILE HOUSE BC Hot July Nights Car & Bike Show 250.791.5656

JULY 14: LANGLEY BC Mopar Madness 604.930.4963

JULY 14: MERRICKVILLE ON Car Show and Shine

JULY 14: VICTORIA BC Fords & Friends Picnic 250.479.2793

JULY 14: NEW WESTMINSTER BC Royal City Show & Shine 604.524.4996

JULY 14: VICTORIA BC 10th Annual Classy Caddys at the Fort 250.889.7521

JULY 14: BURNS LAKE BC Show & Shine 250.692.5721

JULY 14: NORTH VANCOUVER BC Show and shine Royal Canadian Legion Branch 114 Lynn Valley 1630 Lynn Valley Rd North Vancouver

JULY 14 ABBOTSFORD BC Mill Lake Cruise-In Car Show 604.853.0313

JULY 14: CALEDON ON 2nd annual Classic car, truck and motorcycle show & swap meet at the Mount Alverno Retreat Centre, 20704 Heart Lake Road, Jim/Mary 1.519.941.7059 or jimbren@golden.net

aw cruisin events logo-001JULY 14: VERNON BC A&W Cruisin’ The Dub 300 NASCAR Canadian Tire Series OUR Biggest Race of the Season… with the A&W Street Stocks.

JULY 14: MERRICKVILLE ON 13th annual Merrickville Car Show “Cruise & Shop”

JULY 14: LINDSAY ON Classics on Kent will see Lindsay Downtown lined with Antiques, Classics, Rods & Customs Jessica King 705.324.2393

JULY 15-19: LETHBRIDGE AB Good Times Fun Run 604.594.6800

JULY 17: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JULY 18-21: MARWAYNE AB Prairie Egg Vintage RV Gathering.

JULY 19: ALDERGROVE BC Festival Days 4th Show & Shine 604.607.0247

JULY 19: GIBBONS AB Pioneer Days Show and Shine

JULY 19: LILLOOET BC Route 99 Show & Shine Poker Run 250.256.0116

JULY 19-20: CRANBROOK Charity Car Show 250.426.2542

JULY 19-21: VICTORIA BC Northwest Deuce Days  250.385.8571

JULY 20: ST ALBERT AB Rev Rev Rods and Relics Car Show

JULY 20: MOOSE JAW SK 3rd Annual Moose Jaw Show Shine/Burnout Competition Happy Valley Park 6th NE 306-693-1906 mjshowshine@shaw.ca Cory-Shauna Easterby 306.693.1906

JULY 20: CARSTAIRS AB Beef and Barley Days Show and Shine

JULY 20: MacKENZIE BC Show & Shine 250.997.5502

JULY 20: CROWSNEST PASS AB 9th Annual Show and Shine

JULY 20: HUNTSVILLE ON 3rd Annual Cruise Day For Dialysis Gordon Thompson 705.783.6398

JULY 20: RED DEER AB 2nd Annual 9’s By the River 2nd Annual Show and Shine 5012-58 Street. All proceeds to Child Find & Red Deer Food Bank

JULY 20: OLDS AB The 20th Annual Olds Rocket Round Up Open to all Oldsmobiles 1897-2004

JULY 20-21: CARSTAIRS AB Car Show and Drag Races

JULY 21: VICTORIA BC MG Club Classic Car Field Meet spmanor@msn.com 250.743.1791

JULY 21: KING CITY ON Tim & Brenda’s Place Cruise for the Cure Show and Shine

JULY 21: ROSEDALE BC Classic Car Show 604.794.3652

JULY 21: BURNABY BC Burnaby/Edmonds City Fair Show & Shine 604.802.0490

JULY 21: KELOWNA BC Okanagan Mustangs & Fords- All Ford Show & Shine 250.769.7614

JULY 22-29: WINNIPEG MB Western Canada PowerCruise 2013 Starts in Winnipeg Manitoba and travels West on the TransCanada HWY#1 through SK, AB, and BC then down to Puyallup WA for the Goodguys Pacific Northwest Nationals July 22nd to 29th 2013

JULY 24: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JULY 26-7: YARMOUTH NS Seafest Festival Classic Car Show and Cruise

JULY 26-28: LUMBY BC Okanagan Mopars Car Club celebrates its 20th Anniversary and Reunion in Lumby BC, just 25 km east of Vernon on Highway 6. All Mopar enthusiasts are welcome, especially prior show entrants and previous club members. www.okanaganmopars.ca  or for more information or call Vic @ 252-549-1529

JULY 26-28: VICTORIA BC Jaguars on the Island 250.652.1247

JULY 26-69: VAUGHAN ON Canadian Hot Rod Tour 2013 Meet and greet Thursday Night in Vaughan, Friday July 26 DAY 1 Vaughan to Barrie ON (Routes and stops TBA). Saturday July 27 DAY 2 Barrie/ Georgian Bay/Lake Simcoe region (circle tour from host hotel TBA) DAY 3 Sunday July 28 Barrie/Georgian Bay/Lake Simcoe region ( circle tour from host hotel TBA, tour banquet at the host hotel that night) DAY 4 return home. * all of this subject to adjustment. For further information please follow this link.

JULY 27: BONNEYVILLE AB Gear Grabbers 3rd Annual Bonneyville Classic Shon 780.573.8951 or Don 780.573.8621 info@geargrabbers.ca

JULY 27: RICHMOUND SK Rock’n The Road Car Show and Street Dance Mainstreet 3rd Annual rock’n the road car show and street dance. This small town is proud to host the 3rd annual Rock’n The Road car show. Call Cory @ 403-502-2380 to pre-register!

JULY 27: COURTENAY BC 27th Graffiti Bash Saturday Nite Cruise 250.897.0282

JULY 27: CHESTERMERE LAKE AB SHOW ‘N’ SHINE Chestermere Lake Alberta 403 272 5354

JULY 27: KAMLOOPS BC “Chrome On The Grass” Show & Shine 250.573.4966

JULY 27-28: MISSION BC Langley Loafers Old-Time Drags 604.826.6315

JULY 27: GIBSONS BC Show & Shine 604.885.8841

JULY 27: ROWLEY AB Old Cars and an Empty Town Classic Car Cruise contact Ryan 58rocket88@gmail.com

JULY 27: ALTONA MB Legends Car Show

JULY 27: WATROUS SK Watrous and Manitou Beach Fun Run Auto Show ‘N’ Shine 306.946.3336 laura_lindgren2000@yahoo.ca

JULY 27: MAYNE ISLAND, BC all makes and no judging. www.mayneislandcarshow.com  Mike 250.539.5971

JULY 28: CALGARY AB Foothills Street Rod Assocation presents Rods and Rides information@ridesnrods.com

JULY 28: MERRITT BC Nicola Valley Cruisers Show & Shine 250.378.5761

JULY 28: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways IMCA, Sportsman, Mini Sprint, Hobby & Mini Stock race@caraceways.ca 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

JULY 28: VICTORIA BC V.I.M.A. Summer Spectacular 250.881.1423

JULY 31: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show


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