*Please contact us about your Car Shows and Events


MAY 31-JUNE 1: THREE HILLS AB Three Hills Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Three Hills has joined forces with the Street Freaks to present Cruise Weekend John Ruby media@threehillscruise.ca 403.425.0052

MAY 31-JUNE 2: BAY ROBERTS NF Bay Wheels 2013 celebrating 26 years Harold Akerman 528.4383  hgakerman@eastlink.ca Ross Dawe 528.3214

JUNE 1: CONSORT AB Weeds to Street Show and Shine Larry 403.577.3026

JUNE 1: LOGAN LAKE BC Interior Kamloops Swap Meet 250.573.5965

JUNE 1: BURNABY BC Burnaby Heights Hats Off Day Show & Shine 604.802.0490

JUNE 1: ELK POINT AB EPAC Annual Show and Shine Ed 780.724.2966

JUNE 1: PINCHER CREEK AB 1st Annual Show and Shine to help raise money for Children’s Miracle Network. rain or shine Gayle 403.627.1743.

JUNE 1: CASTLEGAR BC Show & Shine 250.365.5015

JUNE 1: WADENA SK Auto Cruisers 5th Annual Show and Shine 780.724.2966

JUNE 1: REVELSTOKE BC Revelstoke Mountain Paradise Show & Shine 250.837.0109

JUNE 1: EDMONTON AB Crystal Kids Charity Show and Shine  Sherbrooke Community League 13008 – 122B Avenue Ken 780.490.9044

JUNE 2: VANDERHOOF BC Hooterville Hoot 250.567.0821

JUNE 2: FORT ERIE ON 5th annual Bridgeburg Car and Bike Show Chris 289.686.5542 Scott 905.651.0049

aw cruisin events logo-001JUNE 2: DUNCAN BC A&W Show & Shine 250.748.7889

JUNE 2: PORT ALBERNI BC Show & Shine 250.724.1324

JUNE 2: SASKATOON SK Mopar Club Picnic and AGM

JUNE 2: FORT LANGLEY BC Model A Sunday 604.856.9796

JUNE 2: PIKE LAKE SK Coachman Fun Run 306.978.0379

JUNE 5: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JUNE 6-9: ASHCROFT BC Loafers Old-Time Drags 250.453.9131

JUNE 7: MISSION BC TCT- Western Canadian Vintage Trailer Revival 604.813.7305

JUNE 7-9:M0NTREAL QC Annual Weekend Street Festival June 7/8/9/ June 2013 In the streets of Little Italy during the Grand Prix weekend Muscle cars/ Classic cars / Dragsters/Drag cars / Hot Rods/ different type of racing cars for all types of car lovers. gpstreetfestival@hotmail.com Johnny Zonta 450.680.2654

JUNE 7-9: LONDON ON Fleetwood County Cruize-in

JUNE 7-9: OSOYOOS BC Cactus Jalopies Show and Shine 250.498.6443

JUNE 7-9: ST. CATHERINE’S ON Ontario Camaro Club 2013 Nationals

JUNE 7-9: COQUITLAM BC 3rd Geoff McElgunn Scholarship Show & Shine Coquitlam Centennial High School

JUNE 8: BURNABY BC Willingdon Ironmen Show & Shine- rain or shine 604.874.9687

JUNE 8: CALGARY AB Corvette Show and Shine

JUNE 8: BEISEKER AB 9th Annual Show and Shine Chirs 403.947.2260

JUNE 8: BASHAW AB Show and Shine at the Majestic Theater 1pm – 4pm Annual Flea Market 9am – 4pm jenson.margaret5@gmail.com 780.781.8774

JUNE 8-9: WETASKIWAN AB History Road – The Ultimate Car Show

JUNE 9: OSOYOOS BC Car Show at The Beach 250.498.7296

aw cruisin events logo-001JUNE 9: REGINA SK Saskatchewan Ford Mercury Club Show and Shine A&W, 2701 Avonhurst Dr 306.352.3984

JUNE 9: PARKSVILLE BC Mid-Island Swap Meet 250.753.2730

JUNE 9: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways NPP, Sportsman, Mini Sprint Hobby & Mini Stock race@caraceways.ca 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

JUNE 9: LANGLEY BC 25th All Pontiac/GMC Show & Shine 604.468.3695

JUNE 12:  CALGARY AB __fg_link_34__ GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JUNE 13-17: MISSION BC __fg_link_35__ 604.826.6315

JUNE 14: LLOYDMINSTER AB __fg_link_36__

JUNE 14: BRUCE MINES ON Cruisin’ Car Show 705.785.3791 bruceminesarena@ontera.net

JUNE 14-15: BRANSON MO 41st Annual__fg_link_37__ Hosted by the Rods & Relics Club of Springfield Missouri. Area 57 1610 W. Hwy 76. Michelle Ferrell @ 417.839.7635 NHRAFREAKS@sbcglobal.net President Tom Lawson @ 417.866.2563 or 417.881.4158 or  Pre-1949 vehicles and always held Fathers Day weekend

__fg_link_38__JUNE 14-16: QUALICUM BEACH BC __fg_link_39__ hosts a weekend of events in Parksville & Qualicum culminating with the Father’s Day Show ‘n Shine in the town of Qualicum Beach. Sponsored by __fg_link_40__

JUNE 14-16: BANFF AB 44th Banff Rod Run 780.453.2921

JUNE 15: BLACKFALDS AB Blackfalds Days Oldies Show & Shine Denise @ 403-304-0949 grantdenauto@telus.net

JUNE 15: REDCLIFF AB Lions 19th Annual Show & Shine

JUNE 15: TWO HILLS AB 7th Annual Show and Shine along with 13th Annual Rib Fest Downtown 780.657.2652 or 780.657.2395 All proceeds go to the Two Hills & District Swimming Pool Association (volunteer non-profit organization)

JUNE 15: OLDS AB Mountain View Pistons 8th annual Show and Shine www.mountainviewpistons.com  Barb 403-556-7295

JUNE 15: DELBURNE AB Show and Shine Russ Barnes 403.350.8612

JUNE 15: CALGARY AB Capitol Hill Community Association Show and Shine

JUNE 15: COQUITLAM BC Show & Shine 604.522.5599

JUNE 15: FAIRVIEW AB Peace Classic Wheels Street Spectacular

JUNE 15: LLOYDMINSTER AB/SK Just Kruzin Show and Shine.

JUNE 16: RED DEER AB  RD Cruise Night Father’s Day Cruise to the Lake

JUNE 16: WAINWRIGHT AB 4th Annual Wainwright WheelersShow and Shine Eastalta Co-Op Gas Bar, CFB Wainwright Monument Hill – Points West Retirement – Battle River Lodge Proceeds to The Attic – Pentecostal Youth Group buck@wainwrightwheelers.com

JUNE 16: LAKE CHARLOTTE NS Father’s Day Antique Car Show Memory Lane Heritage Village 5435 Clam Harbour Road Thea 902.845.1937 877.297.0697 info@heritagevillage.ca

JUNE 16: CALGARY AB 1st Annual Revolution Poker Run Starting point Calgary – Run to go down 22X through to Crossfield.403.941.5555 evolutions@xplornet.ca

JUNE 16: RED DEER AB Ford Central Father’s Day Ford Show and Shine

JUNE 16: MISSION BC 22nd Annual Father’s Day Old Cars in the Park  Fraser River Heritage Park, 7494 Mary Street, Mission, BC Canada

JUNE 16: PRIDDIS AB Father’s Day Show and Shine Bar-b-que Brunch joanne@azuridge.ca 403.472.9311

JUNE 16: SURREY BC Czorny Center Dad’s Day Show and Shine 604.590.3079

JUNE 16: PRINCE GEORGE BC Cruisin’ Classics Father’s Day Show & Shine 250.561.1247

JUNE 16: KELOWNA BC 15th Annual Father’s Day Show & Shine 250.868.2693

JUNE 16: VERNON BC North Okanagan VCCC Father’s Day Car Show 250.260.3969

JUNE 19: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JUNE 20-23: PENTICTON BC Peach City Beach Cruise 866.889.2288

JUNE 21-22: LANGLEY BC 6th Summer Sizzle – Ride For Type 1 Diabetes 604.882.8199

JUNE 21-23 OLDS AB J.C. (Jack) Anderson Charity Auto Auction Supporting the Future of Olds College

JUNE 21-23: HANNA AB Hanna Cruisers Show ‘N’ Go

JUNE 22: CALGARY AB  Greaseball Bash ***”Hopefully everyone is safe and dry, because of the flooding and evacuation in Bowness the Greaseball Bash will not be happening this Saturday June 22nd, we will be reschedule for a later date and will post it as soon as it is booked. Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience.”

JUNE 22: ELNORA AB 100th Birthday Show and Shine

JUNE 22: EDMONTON AB Street Rod Association Summer Cruise 29 Car Show Laurier Park on Buena Vista Road by the Valley Zoo

JUNE 22: CORINTH ON Annual Car Show and Craft Sale, Corinth Community of Christ Church 54246 Eden Line (corner of Culloden Rd. and Eden) Lori King 519.866.5004.

JUNE 22: CYPRESS HILLS SK  7th Annual *Cars in the Hills* Tri-Club Show & Shine Cypress Hills Park, Saskatchewan Saturday June 22nd 2013 10am – 4pm Tri-Club members are Proceeds to Charity as always! Click here for information.

JUNE 22: MITCHELL ON Annual Mitchell Show and Shine, Lions Park, Hwy 23 and Hwy 8 519.348.9610.

JUNE 22: RED DEER AB West Park Community Asssociation 50th Anniversary Show and Shine at the West Park Plaza

JUNE 22: PORT PERRY ON Chrome By the Lake Classic Car Show and Shine Water Stall profits to support the Scugog Shores Historical Museum 905.985.7346 ext.120 lburnett@scugog.ca

JUNE 22: CALGARY AB Love in Action, University of Calgary Club, will like to invite you to “On the wheels for Kenya” car show. Our Show and Shine will take place on June 22nd (10:00am-3:00pm) at the McMahon Stadium, Calgary AB. All the proceeds go to help women with HIV in Kenya.***rescheduled TBA due to flooding.

JUNE 22: PORT MOODY BC 14th Port Moody Legion Show & Shine 604.936.1312

JUNE 22: PORT PERRY ON Rambler-Rama, Haugen’s Restaurant, Hwy 12 and 7A (west of Port Perry Northern Ramblers Car Club. Info 905-985-1583

JUNE 22: SMITHVILLE, ON  Poultry Fest Classic Car and Truck Show Fairgrounds, 177 West St. 905.957.7427

JUNE 22: THAMESVILLE, ON – Thamesville Show and Shine. Ferguson Park Thamesville Threshing Festival. o: Mike Goubert 519.692.3691.

JUNE 23: PONOKA COUNTY AB Lincoln Hall Show and Shine Laura 403.782.4095

JUNE 23: LANGLEY BC Druids and Fluids Drive 604.590.3079

JUNE 23: CARLTON PLACE ON Lions Club Annual car show on Sunday June 23 from 9am to 3pm at Riverside Park in Carleton Place Ontario.

JUNE 22-23: HANNA AB Car show Saturday 1/8 mile bracket drag racing Saturday and Sunday Please Check out our web site for all details www.Hannacruisers.com

JUNE 23: SAANITCHON BC Victoria Swap meet 250.654.0265

JUNE 23: CHILLIWACK BC Village Classic Show and Shine 604.792.4576

JUNE 23: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta RacewaysNorthern Thunder Late Models, Sportsman, Hobby & Mini Stock race@caraceways.ca 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

JUNE 23: LANGLEY BC Show & Shine 604.513.9458

JUNE 26: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

JUNE 28-JULY 1: WESTBANK BC Canada Day International Classic and Antique Car Show & Shine

JUNE 28-JULY 1: OLDS AB 2013 International Antique Auto Meet Hosted by the Central Alberta Vintage Auto Club Registration Deadline is February 28, 2013 contact Phyllis Chadderton at PhyllisChad@explornet.ca

JUNE 29: DONALDA AB Show and Shine 403.883.2228 or 403.742.5758

JUNE 29: FORT ERIE ON The 2nd annual Show & Shine hosted by the Antique & Classic Car Club of Canada The net proceeds will be donated to Tender Wishes Foundation www.tenderwishes.orgFrom the QEW to Fort Erie, take the Central Avenue Exit (last exit before the Peace Bridge). Turn left onto Central Avenue and then take an immediate right turn onto Queen Street. At the end of Queen Street, turn right onto the Niagara Parkway and travel 500 m (0.3 miles) south to the Show. GPS Location: 1 Niagara Parkway, Fort Erie, ON”.

JUNE 29: CALGARY AB CALGARY AB 30th Annual Presidential All Ford Show GREY EAGLE CASINO

JUNE 29: SICAMOUS BC Fabulous Classic Car Show & Swap 250.836.2855

JUNE 30: CLOVERDALE BC Totem Classic T-bird “Cruise-In 604.463.3895

JUNE 30: SHAWNIGAN LAKE BC 6th Annual Shawnigan Lake Show ‘n Shine 250.516.8533

aw banner-july


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