
aug13-imgp6697-002This is last year’s page- YOU HAVE TO CLICK HERE for AUGUST 2014 CAR SHOWS

*Please contact us about your Car Shows and Events

AUG 2-3: PINCHER CREEK AB Heritage Acres Farm Museum Show and Shine Jack 403.627.2430

AUG 3: TERRACE BC Skeena Valley Cruizers Riverboat Days Show & Shine 250.635.9209

AUG 3: FOREMOST AB Centennial Show and Shine Gord 403.867.3957

AUG 3: COOMBS BC Blast From the Past Open Class car show Clay Thompson 250.752.9615

AUG 4: PENTICTON BC 18th Rotary Wheels Car Show 250.497.6679

AUG 4: PIGEON LAKE AB Mulhurst Bay 2nd Annnal Show and Shine Trista 780.389.4390

AUG 4: KEREMEOS BC Kars Under The K Show & Shine 250.599.932

AUG 4: WHITE ROCK BC WestCoasters Daze 2013 604.539.1202

AUG 4: EDMONTON AB Dropsicles Meltdown 2013 Paul 780.473.6644

AUG 4: PARKSVILLE BC Oceanside Overdrive 250.927.9213

AUG 4: TOFIELD AB Lions Club Heritage Classic Show and Shine Daryl 780.662.0017

AUG 5: LOGAN LAKE BC 3rd Annual Logan Lake Show & Shine 250.375.2060

AUG 5: COMOX BC Nautical Days Car Show 250.339.2386

AUG 6-11: ST ALBERT AB 17th Annual Rock N August Roger 780.482.0334

AUG 7: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

AUG 9: PORT ALBERNI BC Thunder In The Alberni Valley Show & Shine 250.723.4046

AUG 9-10: KAMLOOPS A&W “Hot Nite” Poker Run 250.377.3190

AUG 9: PRINCE ALBERT SK Classic Kruisers Car Show parking lot, 44 Marquis Rd 306.764.4777

AUG 9-11: IRRICANA AB Pioneer Acres 44th Annual Show and Reunion 403.935.4375

AUG 9-11: SUNSHINE COAST BC Sleepy Hollow Rod Run and Show and Shine

AUG 10: BENTLEY AB Kroozin’ West Show & Shine Railway Ave 403.748.2425

AUG 10: MEDICINE HAT AB Cypress Rod & Custom Show and Shine

AUG 10: AIRDRIE AB Time Travelers Car Club Present the 13th Annual Airdrie Summer Classic “doin it on the grass” show and Shine Suze 403.912.0007 email

AUG 10: CLOVERDALE BC 4th Surrey Show & Shine 10th Blueberry Festival 604.576.3155

AUG 10: KAMLOOPS BC Hot Nite in the City Car Show 250.377.3190

AUG 10: CALGARY AB 6th Annual Lake Bonavista Show and Shine

AUG 10: PENTICTON BC Annual Toyota Truck Show & Shine 250.493.9473

AUG 10: ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE AB Hooked on Classics Show and Shine Ron 403.844.5803

AUG 10: NORTH DELTA BC 2nd Annual North Delta Show & Shine 604.587.5648

AUG 10: ALDERGROVE BC Legion Show & Shine 604.856.8814

AUG 10-11: SURREY BC Maxximum Nova/Acadian Cruise 604.802.5223

AUG 10-11: VERNON BC Sun Valley Cruise-In 250.275.4707

AUG 11: OKOTOKS AB Olde Towne Show and Shine Mark 403.869.8061

AUG 11: SURREY BC ATC Annual Open house and Car Show 604.635.2222

AUG 11: NORTH AMERICA 24th Lower Mainland Vega Club Picnic 604.649.2241

AUG 11: ALIX AB Show and Shine Fun, food, prizes, and trophies for show participants. Starts 9:30 am till 2:30 pm, Main Street 403-391-1140

AUG 11: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways Sportsman, Mini Sprint Hobby & Mini Stock 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

AUG 11: MISSION BC Mission Springs “Tara’s Benefit” 604.820.1009

AUG 11: EDMONTON AB T-Bird Club Annual Show N Shine…it is our annual Charity event for stuffed animals for the Edmonton Victim Services at the A&W on 137 ave and 121 street, White Oaks Ronnie 780.489.0171

AUG 11: GARDEN BAY BC Pender Harbour Show & Shine 604.883.2674

AUG 11: MILL BAY BC Cowichan Valley Car Picnic 250.743.9114

AUG 11: SALMON ARM BC R.J. Haney Heritage Village Car Show 250.832.5243

AUG 11-12: HYTHE AB Racing, Rockabilly Fashion Show, R&R Car Show, Hythe Motor Speedway

AUG 13: BON ACCORD AB 3rd Annual Show/Shine 5076 47 Ave Al cell 780 984 6036 780 921 2042

AUG 13: Metuchen NJ 4th Annual Metuchen Rescue Squad Benefit Car, Truck & Motorcycle Car Show

AUG 14: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

AUG 16-18: SWIFT CURRENT SK The Eliminators Car Club 33rd Annual Riverside Run includes meet & greet hospitality night, cruising, Riverside Park show & shine. Open to all special interest vehicles 306.773.2313

AUG 16: PENTICTON BC All Triumph Drive In 604.824.0074

AUG 16-17: LADYSMITH BC Show & Shine Rod Run 250.924.0114

AUG 17: SPRUCE VIEW AB Gleniffer Lake 2nd Annual Show and Shine Stephen 403.370.1080

AUG 17: CALGARY AB Northern Mopars Show and Shine Larry 403.243.4703

AUG 17: SPRUCE GROVE Cruise Parade and Car Show Murray 780.962.8206

AUG 17: PLAMONDON AB Show and Shine 780.798.3731

AUG 17: REDWATER AB Discovery Days show and shine. Pembina Place, 4944 53rd St., Redwater, noon to 4 p.m. Open to all vehicles. For information, contact Dave at 780-288-8563 or by email at

AUG 17: REGINA BEACH SK 3rd Annual Regina Beach show and shine Buena Vista ball park just off highway 54. All makes and Models welcome

AUG 17: GLENDON AB 23rd Cruise Night and Drive In Glen 780.635.3826

AUG 17: HWY 22 AND HWY 567 AB Spring Hill 7th Annual Charity Show and Shine Sean 403.804.6240

AUG 17: PORT COQUITLAM BC Sounds of Summer Ford Mustang Show & Shine 604.931.5045

AUG 17: GLEICHEN AB 6th Annual Steel on Wheels Show and Shine Ian 403.734.2526

AUG 17: PORT McNEILL Orca Fest Show & Shine 250.956.3131

AUG 17-18: NEW HAMBURG ON Moparfest Largest Mopar show in Canada New Hamburg Fairgrounds 251 Jacob St., Patt 519.342.1284

AUG 18: ALDERSYDE AB “Cruisin the Dub” Show and Shine Gary 403.472.3435

AUG 18: LANGFORD BC City of Langford and Westhills Corp 1st Annual Show and Shine to be held on Goldstream Avenue 250-478-7882

AUG 18: HARRISON HOT SPRINGS BC Classics & Hotrods Show 604.583.2991

AUG 18: CALGARY AB 20th Annual Camaro Club Show and Shine Dave 403.805.3283

AUG 18: ABBOTSFORD BC 30th Hougen Park Picnic Show ‘N Shine 604.942.5651

AUG 18: DUNCAN BC Beverly Corners Show & Shine 250.715.0751

AUG 18: ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE 100 Foot Shootout Dave 403.845.5078

AUG 18: LADNER BC Classic Car Show/Quilt Walk 604.946.0388

AUG 18: COLD LAKE AB Cruisers Show and Shine Lance 780.573.5034

AUG 18: PORT COQUITLAM BC DowntownCar Show 604.464.1490

AUG 18: HIXON BC Car & Bike Show & Shine Hixon, BC (250) 992-6212

AUG 18: COMOX BC All British Meet At The Filberg250.238.0026

AUG 18: SOUTH SURREY BC 4th Annual Mopar Event 604.531.9156

AUG 18: VILNA AB Show and Shine

AUG 18: MONTREAL QC Rebel Ridez Show and Shine

AUG 18: METCALFE OTTAWA ON Annual Car Show, Antiques, Classics and Street Rods, Metcalfe Fairgrounds, 2821 8th Line Road, Metcalfe (Ottawa), Graham MacInnes @ 613-830-5207 or Paul Woolner @ 613-731-7577. Organized by the Wednesday Cruise Crew with the cooperation of the Metcalfe Agricultural Society.

AUG 19: MARKERVILLE AB Show and Shine Crwamery Museum-Every entry receives complimentary pie and ice cream call Rick 403.304.5358

AUG 21: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

AUG 22: MAPLE RIDGE BC A&W Cruisin’ for A Cause MS 604.463.5712

AUG 22:A&W Cruisin for a Cause Day across Canada –here’s the link for more information

AUG 23-25: QUESNEL BC Gold Pan Steak-Out 250.747.1963

AUG 24: SHERWOOD PARK AB Endless Summer 13th Annual Show and Shine Tom 780.886.9951

AUG 24: RED DEER AB Central Alberta Mopar Association Show and Shine at the Bower Mall. Ron 403.318.6888 or Jim 403.347.5030

AUG 24: EDMONTON AB Edmonton and area 567 Club presents “Bowties versus the World” 13th Annual “Kids with Cancer” Show and Shine contact Jim @ 780.473.4559

AUG 24: ALBERTA BEACH AB Annual Car Show Pat 780.967.4843

AUG 24: WESTEROSE AB Village at Pigeon Lake Show and Shine Shirley 780.586.2332

AUG 24: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways Triple Crown ATV Race Inaugural Motocross Event 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

AUG 24: RED DEER AB Cruizn 2 Cure Cancer Pancake breakfast, car cruise and Show & Shine in Red Deer, Alberta August Jerry 403-986-1655

AUG 24: SUN PEAKS BC Thunder Under The Sun at Sun Peaks 604.541.7669

AUG 24: ABBOTSFORD BC Historic Downtown Car Show 604.857.4915

AUG 24: CREEMORE ON 2013 Copper Kettle Classics register by phone 705-466-5276 or by clicking here-Corey Finkelstein 705.466.5276 ex 201.

AUG 24: TABER AB Corn Country Cruisers Show and Shine Brian 403.394.4585

AUG 24: CALGARY AB Thunderbird Club Show and Shine

AUG 24-25: QUALICIM BC Cops for Cancer Show & Shine @ Qualicum Beach 250.752.9615

AUG 25: LANGLEY BC Greater Vancouver Mustang Assoc. 31st Round-up Thunderbird Show Park 604.858.6763

AUG 25: CALGARY AB 11th Annual Show and Shine 6419 Bowness Road NW Calgary

AUG 25: RIMBEY AB Central Alberta Raceways IMCA, Sportsman, Mini Sprint, Hobby & Mini Stock 1.855.746.2397 403.843.3125

AUG 25: WINFIELD BC Lake Country Customs & Classics 250.766.1155

AUG 25: NORTH VANCOUVER BC 12th North Shore Antique/Collector/Hot Rod Show 604.990.0577

AUG 25: SIDNEY BC Torque Masters Auto Extravaganza downtown 778.426.3843

AUG 23-25: MORDEN MB Corn and Apple Show and Shine

AUG 25: TSAWWASSEN BC Annual Legion Car Show : “Show and Shine” Parking Lot Tsawwassen Legion Tsawwassen Legion #22-1835 56 th Street Email: For contact please call the Legion at Ph 604 943 0232 Event held at the Tsawwassen Legion #289 at Century square complex.

AUG 25: WINFIELD BC Lake Country Customs and Classics Car Show Ron Volk 250.766.1155

AUG 28: CALGARY AB “WILD WEDNESDAY” GREY EAGLE CASINO Every Wednesday Calgary’s Premier Weekly Free Auto Show

AUG 30-SEPT 1: EDMONTON AB Corvette Club Show, Rallye and Slalom


AUG 31: CRESCENT BEACH BC Concours d’Elegance  

AUG 31: SASKATOON SK Shifters Car Club 7th Annual Show and Shine 

AUG 31- SEPT 1: CAMPBELL RIVER BC North Island Cruisers 21st Annual Show ‘n’ Shine in downtown Campbell River on Sunday, September 1Come on up for the weekend and take in the eventsJim Johnson250.204.5547


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