The 2012 summer car show season is well underway and we have experienced an age-old tradition in our part of the world: June will be cloudy with a 100% chance of precipitation.
We live with that meteorological fact every year and yet the June car show calendar is still very full as usual in our region.
However, this year has been a little wetter than usual so some of the shows have been compromised by the fair weather friend policy: be a friend to your vintage ride and only take it out in fair weather.
That said, would like to salute the car guys who do not let a little rain fall on their parade. The guys who still take their beloved rides out in rainy weather, despite the over-abundance of songs that associate rain with bad times, something we like to call the Karen (‘Rainy Days and Mondays’) Carpenter syndrome.
We have seen many examples of car guys who have functional wipers on their vintage vehicles and have plenty of time to use their wipers this year. Sure we feel a pang when we see an old classic out in the rain, but mostly we feel a sense of pride and admiration when we see them out in wet weather.
We are proud of the guys who have decided to accept that “into every life a little rain must fall”-including their vintage car’s life. They know that June will suck for weather every year and the car has just spent a long winter period of solitary confinement in a garage.
The old classic needs the open road as much as its owner, so screw the rain; the two of them have a little open highway to conquer and wet pavement does not matter to either of them.
That is the philosophy of the June car guy in our area and we salute them.
Jim Sutherland
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