The new world of online communication gives everybody a window on the world.


Our world is the feel-good world of the past as it relates to the old car culture.


We loved the old iron then, and now we love them even more than ever in 2010.


These days the trick is to deliver your message via the Internet highway.


It’s the fastest route in communication and traffic gets heavier every day in this new e-world. So a couple of old dinosaurs like us (Jim and Jerry Sutherland- most notable achievement being identical twins) decided to join in the reindeer games.



Two years ago, we decided to jump in the deep end of online publication and produce an online collector car magazine. We wanted to showcase all that is good about the old car culture. The people, the cars, the trucks, and all of the other warm and fuzzy moments found in this hobby.



It has been more fun than we could possibly imagine as we take this adventure into the heartland of car guys and girls. It has also been a learning experience as we get schooled in a brand new way of doing business.


There is little doubt we are part of a tidal wave of change in the manner in which we receive our information. There is no paper- boy or letter carrier to deliver this kind of magazine or newspaper. It comes in the blink of an eye via your Blackberry, I-pad or yet-to-be-marketed future device.


Make no mistake about it, the new age of communication is already here, and we plan to ride that horse all the way to Dodge City.



So we live and learn as we walk this electronic path and learn the ropes. One thing that we have learned is readers like variety and change in a website. We treat the bulk of our site like a monthly publication.


If we do a story about your beloved ride, it will be onsite in the current month for the entire month. We owe that to you as a willing contributor to our site. After that month, it will be moved back in the cycle and replaced by a current story. It will still be onsite-just a little further back.



We have several sections to our site, and they can be found at the bottom of the front page when you click to our site.



The one that many of you receive is a daily blog style feature that has a broad range of topics that range from cars to a wide range of topics that are.. well….topical. The daily opinion pieces are designed to build and maintain a larger readership for our site. It has been very successful and it helps us develop excellent reasons for businesses to advertise with us. Plus we get to make a lot of opinions and we really like that concept.



So stick with us and help us grow into one of the big dogs in e-world. Let your e-pals know that we exist by forwarding our website address to them. They will either thank you or punch you for the information, but it will keep us on track to become bigger and better as e-publishers. And it won’t hurt our egos either.


Thanks for your continued support and feel free to share our website with your world.



Jim and Jerry Sutherland co-publishers: mystarcollectorcar.com