


Why is it that people who live close to a world famous tourist attraction fall into a sense of complacency and never visit the attraction?


I live within about a three hour window of Banff, Alberta Canada and rarely visit the place.




Autobiographically, I recall one really stupid visit when a few of us then 19-year-old geniuses jumped into an old 1956 Pontiac after the bar closed and headed out to Banff to track down some chicks we vaguely knew who worked at the Banff Springs Hotel.


Maybe that killed my appetite for Banff because I am very comfortable when I drive right past Banff every time I hit the Trans Canada highway on the way to BC.


However, I would make an annual pilgrimage to Banff if the world famous Reynolds Automotive and Aviation Museum was located in Banff.




Fortunately for me the museum is located in Wetaskiwin Alberta Canada and it is less than an hour from my doorstep.


I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I only discovered the Reynolds Museum four years ago, even though I was well aware of the museum for many years prior to my inaugural visit. Many smarter people had advised me to attend the Reynolds’ annual History Road show on the second weekend in June and I had never taken in the event.




Surprisingly, I had never even set foot in their incredible automotive museum even though car guys from all over the planet had visited their facility. As I said, I am not bright.


One thing is certain for me now: I will always be an enthusiastic attendee at the annual History Road show on the second weekend in June at Reynolds. It is a spectacular blend of Reynolds vehicles and privately owned vehicles that is a must-see for every car guy.




The vehicles range from well over a century old to late 20th century and everything in between-plus they all run. The aviation side of the museum equation is represented by a biplane flying people around the Wetaskiwin area all day with a multitude of take-off and landings as a back drop to the car show.




Basically, this two-day show is an amazing look at a glorious automotive past and I look forward to the annual History Road event with the same level of anticipation I had for Christmas as a kid. It is that good.



The sights, sounds and even the smell of a tiny little engine’s exhaust from what is essentially a turn-of-the-20th century horseless carriage are an incredible experience for any car guy. Reynolds brings out its legacy vehicles and fires them up for a weekend away from their static display inside the museum.




Reynolds is a lesson in history that will imprint forever when you see these vehicles circle the infield road together in their designated decade. History Road rolls through the decades in a very smart format where each decade is represented by the large group of participants at their annual show.



Essentially, my only advice to car guys is to attend this show at least once in your life because it will become a once-in-a-lifetime experience for you if you only choose to see it only once in your life.


I would predict that many of you who live as close to the Reynolds as I do will make it more than a once-in-a-lifetime event after your first visit.


Jim Sutherland

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