Texting is a way of life for anyone under 60–and over 60 in some cases.

That being the case, how well does texting mesh with the car hobby?

Here are some great examples (and interpretations) of how it’s going so far when the car hobby meets texting.  

Jerry Sutherland

58 Pontiac just fell off the jack stands and onto my chest. I probably have a minute left because I can’t breathe. Can you send help?”  

 58 Pntc  jfoj @ omc . I prolly ha1ml .  Cn u snd HLP

Correct me if I’m wrong, but your asking price of 50,000 dollars is a ridiculous price for a rusty ’61 Ford. In real life, a car like that is a parts donor”.  

cmiiw bt 50k bt joor iardp fr a rsty 61frd IRL a cr ltiapd.

“Heading to the car show in my Road Runner. 6 miles per gallon at today’s prices means this trip is going to force me to take out a second mortgage. I got to run.

hdng 2 cr shw imrr  6mpg mns ttrp wfrc 2mtg. 1g2r    

The rebuild on my Mustang cost a lot more than I thought–but the divorce is going to cost a lot more. What have you been up to?”

rbld mstng cst lt mr thn i thgt–dvrc cst lt mr. wubu2?

Is a ‘39 Chrysler supposed to smoke like a tire fire in the middle of a forest fire? Never mind. It just blew up. Starting to hate this car.”

39chry smlatf itmaoff? NVRMND ijbu. sh8tc. 

Have you finished your Corvair project? Didn’t you start that when Fred Flintstone was in grade school? I don’t know–it’s taking forever.”

Hv u fin yr Crvr prjct?  dnt u strt whn frdflnt ws igrdschl? 404-4EVA

My Beetle just got t-boned. It’s a write-off. Do you have your roll-back truck handy or should I just leave it with the cops.”

btl jgt t-bnd. rtoff. rllbk hnd or lvw50?

Just found 180 pounds of bondo on my ’70 Challenger. Starting to think it may not have been the mint survivor I thought it was. Sorry to say.”

jst fnd 180lb bndo 70chall. sttt im nbms itiw. S2S  

Do you still have that ‘72 Olds wagon for sale? I’m looking for a derby car.”

U stl gt 72 Oldswgn? Lkn4 drb cr.  

I found the ’67 Vette you were looking for in a barn and then I bought it. Are you mad?”

Fnd 67vt u wr lking fr. R u salty?


I wanted to bring you up to speed on my project. It’s coming right along so I’m really happy to see where it is at this stage. The fenders are almost done; the engine is rebuilt; the paint is ready, and the interior is on its way to being installed.”

Tl;dr (translation: “too long–didn’t read”).  

“Do you know where I can find a signal light lens for a ’55 Metropolitan? I’ve been looking for one and I was told you had one in stock.”

Suh? wrng # bruh (translation: “What’s Up?” Wrong number brother).  

“I was the guy who contacted you about the ’71 GTO last year. Did you ever sell it, or do you still have it? I would still be interested in buying it.”

U lit? (translation “Are you drunk or stoned?’)    

That last one could go one of two ways. It could be the original GTO seller wondering why you would call him a year later or it could be a very confused Gen Z.  

Jerry Sutherland

By: Jerry Sutherland

Jerry Sutherland is a veteran automotive writer with a primary focus on the collector car hobby. His work has been published in many outlets and publications, including the National Post, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Regina Leader-Post,  Vancouver Sun and The Truth About Cars. He is also a regular contributor to Auto Roundup Publications.

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