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Valentine’s Day is a minefield for car guys because you won’t be spending any time under the hood of your old Packard on February 14th.


If you do, you’ll get yet another entry in your permanent record and if you add up too many of those, you and/or your old Packard will find a new home.


These romantic car stories may be part of your defense strategy when the Packard’s mere existence is questioned on Valentine’s Day.



The most difficult to achieve award for Valentine’s Day stories went to this ’65 Comet MSCC article from February 2012. This car disappeared then turned up as a basket case many years later but the reward was simple-they got their wedding car back.


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Another wedding car was far easier to reunite with the happy couple. This Cobra was their wedding car down in Vegas and a few years later it became a permanent member of the family.


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This ’68 Monaco 500 was there for the wedding and many years later it’s still a valued branch of the family tree. Most people are lucky to simply have a picture of their wedding car but these lovebirds can simply point to the garage.


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There are few car guys who wouldn’t get misty-eyed about a ’56 Cadillac convertible, but women may be a tougher audience. That’s why this MSCC story about a wedding car that became an important part of one couple’s life may be the deal maker.


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This ’67 Meteor was part of the wedding party decades ago and it earned a permanent spot in one couple’s world. They could never let this wedding guest go so it’s now part of their biography.


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Isettas may not be the most romantic cars in the world but like honest politicians, there are exceptions to the rule. This Isetta survived a wedding, family, moves and other major transitions in one couple’s life to become their beloved ride.


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Chevy Impalas are popular by design, but ’64 Impalas are platinum investments for car guys. Despite the popularity of these cars, one couple never sold their ’64 Impala wedding car despite some financial hardships over the years. It’s a Hollywood script waiting to happen.


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Valentine’s Day may be made for romance but with these stories as evidence you may be able to rewrite that Packard story next year on February 14th.


Jerry Sutherland

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