Christmas is referred to as a time of giving and that is a concept Red Deer, AB car guys embrace in a big way every year.
They get together for a combination Christmas party/fundraiser based on a draw for a vintage fridge done up like an old Coke machine.
Trevor Comfort explained the history behind this fridge: “A lady named Patricia and her sister bought it in 1950 so it was three years old at that time. Wally Stack met his to be wife (Patricia) in 1953 and they used the fridge for many years then it was used as a second fridge for some time. Patricia sadly passed away in 2011, from breast cancer so this was done in honor of her. I will ask the money raised will go towards breast cancer research”.
Colonel Tom Keane filled in the blanks about this year’s event:“After 67 years the 1947 McLary fridge gets a new permanent home.The fridge the Trevor owner of Comfort Collision repainted repainted for the raffle at the Red Deer car club Christmas party.
The fridge was won by a lucky ticket holder. Then as usual it was donated back to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Col. Tom Kean auctioneer and car collector was asked again to auction the fridge.
Well the Col. said he will bid on the fridge as well, I drive a 59 Cadillac with the matching paint colour, and will be a great addition to my shop. When an auctioneer tells the crowd he would like to bid on an item his buddies usually keep the bidding going up.
I was happy to buy the fridge, it will have a good home and always full of the small bottles of Coke. All money raised will go to the Breast Cancer fund.
Lets see what Trevor comes up with next year”.
Col. Tom Kean
Cherry Hill Auction
Well done gentlemen–this kind of community spirit is what the old car culture is all about.
Jerry Sutherland
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