The Fallen Star is a reflection of the old car hobby.
A Fallen Star can have one of many futures.
Here are some examples…
The best scenario is a complete rebirth thanks to hard work and dedication from a car guy with a vision for what many people consider a rusty blight on the landscape. That’s a great future.
Another possible future is as an automotive organ donor-maybe the classic vehicle is gone as a whole entity but key parts will live on forever. That’s a good future.
The next best scenario is when the cars enter into an organic relationship with nature where they slowly oxidize back into their original form-iron. This can takes decades but it’s a pretty good future because those Fallen Stars will always have a faint hope clause future. Plus they’ll always be a source of beauty for every true car guy on the planet.
Here are more examples of FALLEN STARS in various stages…
The worst-case scenario is this.
Pictures are worth a million words.
Jerry Sutherland.
For more Fallen Stars please follow this link.