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Many car stories have the same theme.


They’re based on the “one that got away” plot and it’s one that has been played out many times in the world of old iron.


Unlike real life romances, in old car world you can actually replace the one that got away with an equal or better version.


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Marv Schmuland is one of those guys who regretted selling a car from his past. He explained how “I had a ‘63 two door hardtop, loved it and don’t know why I sold it”.


That was a sad ending but Marv is one of those guys who wanted to correct a past mistake so he went on search mode for another ’63 Ford Galaxie.


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Marv is a self-described “classic Ford guy” and he limited his search for a ’63 Galaxie to “either a hardtop or convertible”.


His search uncovered a car with an impeccable history but it took Marv a year to find this gem. He admitted he looked at many cars “but most of them were XLs and a lot of them were 64s”.


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This car is an incredible example of a well-maintained, incredibly well-restored ’63 Ford convertible.


Marv has a detailed knowledge of what it took to get this car to this level and he explained it was a nut and bolt, frame-off restoration with a complete photo album. The last owner purchased it in 2000 and drove it for ten years and put 13,000 miles on it.


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Marv would still be looking for a car of this caliber but the last owner passed away and the family was undecided about what to do with this incredibly nice 1963 Ford Galaxie 500XL convertible. Marv explained how the former owner “loved it so much it was in his funeral service”.

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Marv has a completely different attitude about this car because the previous owner did not like the car show circuit because he was so protective of his beloved car.


This ’63 Ford is on a different program now because Marv loves to show his car off to the public. He admits it “gives you a good feeling when people appreciate what you have. It brings back a lot of memories to a lot of people”.


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Marv is firm on the Ford’s future: “It won’t be for sale because it was so hard to find”. That’s why it won’t be in a classified ad anytime soon.


This car is destined to be in the public eye for many years because Marv loves his time in the captain’s seat of his classic Ford. He explained how “it drives like a dream, it just floats- it gives you that 60s ride”.


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Marv intends to put a lot more miles on this car because now it is a real world car and Marvwants to have a lot more fun with it”. He hasn’t ruled out future roles as a parade car for this ’63 Ford so the public at large will get a lot of exposure to a beautiful old ride.


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Marv’s Ford is a full load car with one exception as he explained, “it doesn’t have power windows” but in every other sense, this ’63 Ford Galaxie distills down to his description of his prized Ford.


“It was the Cadillac of Fords back then”.


Jerry Sutherland

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