
july11salmon-arm-car-show181JANUARY 2012 CAR SHOWS AND CLUB EVENTS-Please contact us to list your club events https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/5-contact.html

JAN 1: SAUSALITO CA ANTI-FOOTBALL DRIVE  www.californiamille.com  777 Bridgeway Sausalito, California 94965 Martin Swig mswig@californiamille.com 415 990-9992

JAN 1: RALEIGH-GARNER NC Annual New Years Day cruise-in at Grill 57 in Garner, NC on US401 just south of Raleigh.US 401 South www.grill57.com/cruisein2011.html

JAN 1: WEBSTER FLA Webster Monthly Swap Meet Car Bike Show 352-793-9877 http://www.cyclemeet.com/

JAN 3: LAKE FOREST CA Cruise Night – 23621 El Toro Rd. 714-329-8640

JAN 4: SIMI VALLEY CA Cruise Night

JAN 5: ANAHEIM CA Angelos Cruise Nite Brookhurst & Ball

JAN 5-8: SAN DIEGO CA Silicon Valley International Car Show 150 West San Carlos Street San Jose, CA 95113 408.277.5277 http://www.facebook.com/SVAutoShow?sk=wall

JAN 5-8: LAUGHLIN NV Cruisin On The River Car Show and Swap Meet www.rivercruizers.com

JAN 6 : BUENA PARK CA Gary’s Classic Car Fridays held at Elks Lodge #2046, 7212 Melrose St. Hours: 4pm – 8pm. Open to all car enthusiasts. Every Friday night, all year, weather permitting. Trophies, prizes, super 50/50 and great home cooking by the Elks. Contact: Gary 714.299.1776 or garyoccarguy@gmail.com

JAN 6: NEW ORLEANS LA Car Fest 2012 Bowl Championship Series Car Fest 1st annual Fest at the Sugar Mill. Presented by the New Orleans Classic Car Club www.nocarfest.com

JAN 6-8: CHATTANOOGA TN World of Wheels Chattanooga Convention Center (adjoining the Trade Center). www.worldofwheels.info

JAN 7: HOLLYWOOD FLA: Back To The Beach Cruise Night Ocean’s Eleven, 3111 North Surf Road Russ at (954) 560-5412.

JAN 7: LIGHTHOUSE POINT FLA Full Throttle Show of Shows Sheehan Autoplex, 2800 North Federal Highway, this show benefits the Darrell Gwynn Foundation http://darrellgwynnfoundation.org/  Eugene 954- 410-5536.

JAN 7-8: SILVER SPRINGS FLA 18th Annual Ford and Mustang Roundup Silver Springs Nature Park 5656 E. Silver Springs Blvd.

JAN 7-8: PHOENIX AZ: Phoenix Swap Meet held at the Arizona State Fairgrounds, 1826 Mcdowell Rd. Hours: 5am – 2pm. Arizona’s largest antique, classic and collectible car swap meet and car show. Vendors, cars for show & sale and food. Contact: 818.879.3965, toddgtos@earthlink.net or http://www.phoenixcarswapmeet.com/   

JAN 8: SUNRISE FLA Renegade Corvette Club Show hosted by the Renegade Corvette Club, held at 14401 West Sunrise Boulevard John at 954-980-2670.

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JAN 13th: KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE:Cabin Fever Car Show & Swap Meet Expo Center Clinton Hwy http://knoxvilleexpocenter.com/

JAN 13-15: MESQUITE NV Mesquite Show and Shine www.mesquitecarshows.com  702-643-0000

JAN 13-15: GREENVILLE SC Auto Show TD Convention Center

JAN 13–22: MONTREAL QUEBEC Salon International de l’Auto de Montréal http://www.montrealautoshow.com/en/index

JAN 14:TUSCON AZ IHHS Athletic Booster Club Car Show 625 East Magee Road

JAN 14: HONOLULU HI Night in Chinatown Parade Line up at 2:30 p.m. on Richards Street – Ewa of State Capitol Building Parade Starts at: 3:30 p.m. http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com/

JAN 14–22: DETROIT MICHIGAN: North American International Auto Show http://www.naias.com/

JAN 15: DEERFIELD BEACH FLA Cool Wheels Car Show Benefiting the Youth Automotive Training Center, and held at Quiet Waters Park, 401 South Powerline Road, Joe 561- 452-3684.

JAN 15: COLUMBUS OH 4th Annual All Mopar Swap Meet 1130 Automall Drive Columbus, Ohio 43228

JAN 15: O’AHU HAWAII Sunrise Cruise and Breakfast 6:30 am – Meet at Hawaii Kai Zippy’s parking 6:45 am – Cruise to Lanai Lookout http://www.alohamustang.com/

JAN 15: POMONA CA George Cross & Sons, presents The West Coast’s Largest Classic Car, Corvette, Porsche, Street Rod and Volkswagen Swap Meet and Classic Car Show – The Pomona Swap Meet. Held at Fairplex, Pomona. Hours: 5AM to 2PM. Over 15 miles of cars and parts for sale. Contact: (714) 538-7091 or http://www.pomonaswapmeet.com/ 

JAN 19-22: WICHITA KS Starbird-Devlin Rod & Customs Charity Car Show sponsored by Cars For Charities Co. Century II Performing Arts & Convention Center, 225 W Douglas Ave (Downtown Wichita), 67202-3100.  Carl Fry 316-755-2198

JAN 20-22: DIAMONDHEAD MS Winter Charity Rod Run Mississippi Gulf Coast 20th Annual Winter Rod Run at the Diamondhead Resort Inn. www.southernwho.com

JAN 20-22: WICHITA KS55th  annual Darryl Starbird Rod & Custom Car Show.Century II Convention Center 918-298-7403, 918-257-8073 or 918-257-4234 DSTARBIRD@WAVWLINX.NET www.darrylstarbird.com/SHOWTIME.HTM


JAN 21: BUENA PARK CA 4th Annual Jeff’s Fun Run held at Ken Grody Ford, 6211 Beach Blvd. Hours: Begins 8:30am. A Poker Run for all makes, models, & years of cars and motorcycles. Event ends at the world famous Bob’s Big Boy Broiler in Downey. Music, Food, 50/50. Contact: Chris (562) 412-0616 or http://www.jeffsfunrun.com/

JAN 21: MELBOURNE FLA Mopar Super Swap Meet Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rain or Shine. Location: Wickham Park Pavilion, 3719 Wickham Road. Mopar ONLY http://www.moparsofbrevard.com/

JAN 21: SPRINGFIELD MO National Antique Tractor Pull – Ozark Empire Fairgrounds use I-44 & Kansas Expressway and follow signs www.ozarkempirefair.com/events

JAN 21: OVIEDO FLA Cops n Cars for the Kids 1700 Mall Blvd, Oviedo FL 32765 http://oviedooptimist.com/carshow.html  Oviedo Optimist Club Philip Kaprow  407-323-9244 or JR Goodman at 407-323-9244

JAN 21: COCOA FLA All proceeds will benefit our horse rescue and therapeutic programs.Event Hours are 9am till 3pm, with registration until noon and trophy Presentation at 2:00.Pre-Registration is $20.00 till Jan. 10, day of show $25.00, spectators are free.For more information call 321- 267 – 2929 or visit www.horsesisters.org

JAN 21-22: TINLEY PARK ILL Rogers Charity Car Show The Roger’s Winter Burnout annual charity event  Tinley Park Convention Center. www.rogerscharitycarshow.com (708) 479-9824

JAN 21-22: WEST SPRINGFIELD MA 38th Annual Auto Parts Swap n Sell Eastern States Exposition Complex, Memorial Ave 860-871-6376

JAN 22: CANBY OR Swap Meet Clackamas County Event Center, 694 NE 4th Ave. 503-266-1136 ccf@wavecable.com www.clackamascountyeve

JAN 22: NORTH PALM BEACH FLA Shine and Show Hosted by the Village of North Palm Beach and their Parks and Recreation Department, and held in Anchorage Park, 603 Anchorage Drive Nancy 561-841-3386.

JAN 22: LAS VEGAS NV Las Vegas Auto Swap Meet held at 3494 Boulder Hwy. Hours: 7am – 3pm. Vintage, classic and Hi-performance cars & trucks. Car corral, vendors, food and drinks. Contact: 702.595.0072 or www.LasVegasAutoSwapMeet.com.


JAN 25: HOUSTON TEXAS Houston Auto Show http://www.houstonautoshow.com/

JAN 26-29: ST. LOUIS MO Annual Saint Louis Auto Show @ America’s Center – Edward Jones Dome downtown.

JAN 27-29: MCALLEN TX International Carfest Al Diaz , Operations Manager and Producer of the McAllen Carfest.- 956-681-3828 adiaz@mcallen.net  www.mcallencarfest.com

JAN. 27-29: JOPLIN MO 26th Annual Street Dreams Car, Truck & Bike Show @ John Q. Hammons Trade Expo Center. Event is Indoors 918-801-5995 www.strdrms.com

JAN 27-29: SACRAMENTO CA Grand National Roadster Show http://www.rodshows.com/

JAN 28-29: PEORIA AZ 21st ARIZONA MILITARY VEHICLE SHOW The 21st (formerly Papago) Arizona Military Vehicle Show, a salute to veterans of all wars, celebrated for two decades and held Saturday through Sunday, January 28-29, 2012, at the Peoria Sports Complex, 16101 North 83rd Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85382.Idan (602) 329 -1665 Mike 602-418-7146

JAN 28-29: ST. CHARLES MO Fete De Glace Festival & Car Show @ downtown area. www.greatriverroad.com  636-946-1898

JAN 28-29: TURLOCK CA Swap Meet Modesto Area A’s Model A Ford Club of America sponsor this weekend swap meet at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds. www.turlockswapmeet.com

JAN 28: GLENDALE AZ Owners and enthusiasts cruise the Cruz-In. Hundreds, sometimes even thousands of classic Hot Rods and Classics park near AMC and Fountain Park. Family friendly. Free admission. Cruz-In starts at 10 a.m. Westgate City Center, Glendale.


JAN 29:  LA QUINTA CA 6th Annual La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Hot Rod and Custom Car Show held at La Quinta Community Park, 77865 Avenida Montezuma. Hours: 11am – 4pm. Vendor booths, live music, food and fun. Contact: 760.564.3199.

JAN 28-FEB 5: PHILADELPHIA PA Philly International Auto Show “Original 9 day Joy Ride” at the Pennsylvania Convention Center www.phillyautoshow.com


FOR FEBRUARY 2012 EVENTS PLEASE CLICK HERE-https://www.mystarcollectorcar.com/2-features/special-issue/1333-february-2012-car-shows-and-club-events.html