2022 was one of MyStarCollectorCar’s favorite years for car shows ever since we fired up as an e-zine (online car magazine) on April 2, 2009.

This past summer the weather was magnificent, and the enthusiasm was off-the-charts after two years of Covid rules and regulations, so most shows had a bumper crop of attendees.

Jim Sutherland

2022 was a windfall year for car show organizers and we visited numerous events that were attendance record-breakers for them. It was an amazing thing to witness the car show effect on people this summer, mainly because of the uncertainty of 2020 and 2021 when politicians and bureaucrats became our babysitters and barked out orders like a hungover Sgt. Carter with Gomer Pyle.

Consequently, we needed the 2022 car show season to be unshackled from a long list of confusing, knee-jerk rules and, mercifully, that is what we got this past summer. The big question for car show organizers is how do we keep riding the wave of success in this department in 2023-now that 2022 is almost over?

You can’t change the weather, but you can change the politicians and fire the bureaucrats who were responsible for the 2020-21 fiasco, mainly to ensure this legislative overreach does not happen again to you and one of life’s true pleasures: car shows.

There is every indication that 2023 will be another triumphant return to “old normal”, a world we should never have left in the first place, so car show organizers will be able to plan their show with a sense of optimism instead of uncertainty.

The biggest issue left for car show organizers is to ensure their event gets plenty of attention so car guys can plan their summer event travel plans in 2023. MyStarCollectorCar has an online car show calendar that covers every month of the year, even though we live in a region where polar bears buy ski jackets during the winter. The main reason is we showcase club meetings and specialized indoor events during the cold months, but we focus on summer shows and are one of Google Canada’s top sources for car shows on a month-by-month basis.

In fact, MyStarCollectorCar has already begun our 2023 month-by-month car show calendar and are adding events as soon as we receive the information and verify it. It is a seamless car show calendar approach that has worked very well over the past 13 years and continues to grow every month in terms of viewership.

We would highly recommend that show organizers get the info about their shows to us as soon as possible because we will give them a big audience for their events. But we need to know about the car events long before the show. Every year we get panic-stricken show organizers who do not see their event on our calendar and suddenly get very concerned about the issue in the eleventh hour, primarily because their show is only a few weeks (or days) away and they wonder whether it will be a flop. That would be a firm ‘Yes’ on the flop angle.

In closing, here is a rerun: get your information to us as soon as possible. For the record, we do not list commercial car shows under their business name, unless the business is one of our ad clients. Also, clubs can also showcase their show’s ad at a very competitive rate if they want extra exposure from us for their event. It would be a very good decision on their part.       

MyStarCollectorCar is already excited about the 2023 car show season, and we are confident everyone in the hobby feels the same way. Let’s put an early spotlight on your show.  

Jim Sutherland

BY: Jim Sutherland

Jim Sutherland is a veteran automotive writer whose work has been published by many major print and online publications. The list includes Calgary Herald, The Truth About Cars, Red Deer Advocate, RPM Magazine, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Windsor Star, Vancouver Province, and Post Media Wheels Section.