

Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada is one of those towns that has everything going for it.


‘The town is close enough to the Rocky Mountains to earn the name, yet far enough away from the famous mountain range to keep the town out of the famous mountain range’s shadow.’


Plus they have one of the most scenic car show locations in Alberta every year on their Main Street.




We paid our annual visit to the Rocky Mountain House show and were able to gather some great stories from the show.


One vehicle that immediately caught our early attention was an original 1963 Studebaker Champ pickup truck. There were plenty of curious onlookers around the unusual pickup from the famous automobile company that did everything on a tight budget.




This stylish little Studie pickup had its original engine and an owner who does not believe in trailer queens because he has driven it tens of thousands of miles over the past 20 years-including over a hundred miles just to get to the Rocky show.


Get all the details about this Studebaker truck in a future MSCC story.


A bright yellow 1969 Dodge Super Bee garnered plenty of attention at the show and we managed to get its full story from the Bee’s talented owner. He will even explain his theory about why insects are attracted to a yellow car when we run the story behind this cool Bee in a future MSCC article.




Rocky had another example of Mopar muscle in the form of a 1970 Road Runner.




This brute is the opposite of a trailer queen because it’s seen real world action–including snow on one of its many road trips. This ‘runner will provide a great lesson in a future MSCC article.


The Chevy Vega was a sub-compact car built by General Motors in the Seventies. They helped solve a gas shortage in 1973, but few people dreamed about owning a Vega during the Me Decade. A huge exception to the rule was the famous Cosworth Vega.


The Cosworth Vega was an instant legend during its two year run from 1975-76. The Cosworth Vega was a beast in sheep’s clothing the minute it hit the street. They were limited production road rockets during a time when performance took a back seat to economy in the mid-70s.




The Cosworth Vega was able to deliver both performance and gas mileage during its two year run and we found a 1975 Cosworth Vega at the Rocky show. We would have been less surprised to see Bigfoot on the streets of Rocky Mountain House than a well-preserved Cosworth Vega.




However, we will have to rely upon the local car guys in Rocky to track down the Vega’s owner because we were unable to connect with him. He is from the Rocky Mountain House area so we like our chances.


A 1955 Meteor was at the show and its owner had driven this car from the southeast corner of Alberta where there is a lot of prairie and no mountains to attend the show in Rocky Mountain House.




A Meteor was essentially a Canadian Ford and shared an identical overall body design with the Ford in 1955. The big difference was the trim package on the Canadian-built Meteor. The 1955 Meteor  2-door post was a limited production car and very few survived the past 61 years.


We were fortunate to get the story behind this ’55 Meteor and will share it with our readers in a future MSCC article.


The final guest at the Rocky show was a case of mistaken identity. We thought we had already done the story on the car-but this 1958 Chevy Impala convertible was not the one from our earlier MSCC feature story.


You know what they always say: “Two rare 1958 Impala drop tops are better than one”.




‘At least that is what we always say here at MSCC and our readers will agree when they get the story behind this second ’58 Impala in a future MyStar article.’           

Jim Sutherland


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