robbie and the 61 beetle-1

Every now and then we do a ‘Lost Star’ story at MSCC-a car that really meant something from somebody’s past-here’s a great example…

The most important piece of the high school puzzle for every healthy male teenager is a set of wheels.

Sure you can get by without a car, but high school is not nearly as much fun as it can be with a car.

A teen-aged Rob Mackenzie was no exception to this rigid rule, so he bought a solid 1961 Volkswagen to carry him through the learning curve of high school.

The other more important learning curve included less algebra and more high school girls.The best part of the VW deal was the price: A very affordable $100.00 bought Rob his first taste of four-wheeled freedom the price fit well within a high school kid’s budget.

The bonus was that the Beetle also fit Rob’s 6 ft 6 frame behind the wheel plus five other passengers because not every kid in high school had a car, so a kid with a car usually had a full car.

Rob lives in a part of North America with full-on winters; the kind of winters that terrify brass monkeys. His reliable little VW answered the bell every day through the cold winter months, and the Bug’s gas heater kept Rob and his buddies warm on the coldest winter driving days.

The important thing for Rob was the taste of freedom enjoyed by every kid that just got his first car. A 1961 Volkswagen Beetle gave Rob endless possibilities when he was a skinny 16-year-old kid in active pursuit of the fairer sex. His first car got him in the game and, after that, it was up to him.

High school memories are a few miles back in the rear view mirror for Rob Mackenzie at this point in his life. He has owned his own restaurant/pub in the resort town of Sylvan Lake Alberta Canada for over ten years now. Chief’s Pub is a big part of his life these days, but the little Volkswagen that could is a big part of his high school memories.

And Rob is very fond of those memories from days gone by.

Jim Sutherland

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