2025 marks the 16th year for MyStarCollectorCar.com—that makes it another outstanding year even before the page turned on 2024.
The right thing to do is make a list of five things I’m looking forward to in ’25.
Jerry Sutherland
The first thing on the list is to celebrate the 16th birthday at MyStar.

This has been a long and winding road to this point–but every day (except when the website had major technical problems) is like a trip to Disneyland when you’re ten years old.

This is the dream job for car guys because you get to spend every summer weekend at a car show talking to car guys about their cars—or trucks.
These events are typically held on sunny days with summer temperatures, but the rainy days still cough up some great owner’s stories. My job is to get the ‘great story behind the great car’—like the MyStar logo says.

The second thing on the list are the car shows themselves.
Car shows aren’t easy to set up—that’s been mentioned many times on the pages of MyStar. The reason this is worth repeating is simple. The shows are a lot of work and require committed volunteers—the supply of willing volunteers gets thinner every year.

Plus, regulations aren’t getting less complicated because bureaucracy is a growth industry in the 21st century. All these factors make every show worth celebrating whether the cars are tuner cars or pre-war. I always respect the work behind these events.

The third thing I’m looking forward to in 2025 is learning more stuff.
The technology was simpler 16 years ago, but that simplicity came with limitations. Crashes were a grim reality in 2009, but the new webhost has never had a crash.

The old server taught me a lot of things the hard way, but the new server gives me time to learn new things, not just how to survive a tech crisis. Trust me, that’s a good thing.
The fourth thing I’m excited about in ’25 are new owners’ stories.
I say that because there are infinite possibilities about why a guy saved an old car or truck. The basic plot can be the same, but the human factor behind a project means no story will be exactly the same.

There are so many factors in any car story that one-size-fits-all doesn’t work. Every chapter in an old car’s life is different, because every owner’s life is different. Call it the roulette wheel of life. My job is to take the notes and put together a coherent storyline—all the owner does is put in blood, time and massive amounts of money. They’re the real heroes in a MyStar owner’s story.
The fifth thing I’m looking forward to in 2025 are road trips—there’s another big one planned in 2025 to celebrate a 60th anniversary run.

Last year’s 5000-mile/eight-day run to cover Route 66 in a ’63 Plymouth was a spectacular run. Trust me, there is nothing cooler than a road trip in an old car—that’s why the road warrior mentality is the foundation of MyStar.
This piece could be much longer, but I have to stick to the 5 to 700-word article guidelines at MyStar—it’s worked great for 16 years.
Jerry Sutherland
By: Jerry Sutherland
Jerry Sutherland is a veteran automotive writer with a primary focus on the collector car hobby. His work has been published in many outlets and publications, including the National Post, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Regina Leader-Post, Vancouver Sun and The Truth About Cars. He is also a regular contributor to Auto Roundup Publications.
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