

A car show takes a lot of work to be a success-just ask any organizer.


Car shows are our bread and butter here at MyStarCollectorCar because we harvest most of our stories from them.

‘We have become well aware of the difference between a garden variety car show and a great car show over the past 7 years (by spring 2016 to be exact) by attending many shows.’


For example, a great car show takes place on the same weekend every year and becomes a tradition for car guys in that area and beyond, depending upon its impact in the hobby. The car guys plan their annual travel schedule around a list of shows because they take place on the same weekend every year.





The second key to success is location, location, location. A great car show is held in either a downtown location, a park, or a parking lot that is roped off and dedicated to the show entrants. We attend a few shows where the cars are squeezed into a couple of rows of a parking lot and look like they are in car jail with so little room around them.




The third key to success is to designate areas for cars from certain eras. A conflict between new and old ride owners is a possibility when they are mixed in together at shows. There is room for both chronological ends of the hobby as long as they are separated into their appropriate age group at shows. This is a hot button issue for car guys, but it is one that is easily solved by a game plan where enthusiasts of the diverse car generations can find them in their own category and area.




The fourth key to success is to make sure people know about your show. We see plenty of shows where nervous people armed with flyers drop them on the front seat of the car and walk away without a sales pitch to the owner. The owner has likely seen one or two of these flyers dumped on his front seat at most shows and will treat them in a casually disposable way in many cases.




A better game plan is to talk to the owner and sell him or her on your show. The owners are more than willing to attend new shows if they are explained to them by the representative with the flyers. Make sure your flyer people know all of the details about your show so they can answer any questions put forth by the car owners.




Additionally-and this one is very important to your show: get back to us here at MyStar when we request information about your event for our car show section. We should add “as soon as possible” because we can offer your show maximum exposure to our 15-20,000 daily MSCC readers-and it is the only advertising we offer at no charge to the organizers if they are non-profit car shows for charitable purposes.




We have found several phone calls and emails are required to get the car show information in many cases. It is a time-consuming process for us that can be corrected very easily by simple communication, so get back to us quickly and we can open up a big world for your show.
We also link to your web page and highly recommend that you keep your page current because nothing says “I don’t care” more than a stale website with outdated information for readers.




MSCC is already excited about the return of the car show season in spring 2016 for those of us who live in the coldest part of the Northern Hemisphere.




We hope your 2016 shows can be even better if you stick to our suggestions listed above.


Jim Sutherland


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