We are not quite sure winter has totally released its death grip on our part of the planet but we appear to be close.
Only fear, common sense and a layer of winter sand and gravel on our streets have kept the beloved rides from dancing in the streets here in my town.
Soon though-very soon.
Car guys get a little squirrely in the dying days of winter because many of them are all revved up and ready to go with their completed projects. Sure it’s a scientific fact that no restoration or custom project is ever 100% done, but car guys are willing to live with the fact that endless tinkering with their beloved iron is part of the game.
Surprisingly we know guys who find their happy place when they finish a project, dump it and start a new project- true examples of the somewhat unusual notion that the real joy of the journey is found wrenching on the car and not behind the wheel of the car.
Quite frankly it is difficult to see how the happy factor can be found breaking knuckles on a build over driving the finished project. The sheer pleasure derived from staring out the windshield of a retro ride after the snow is gone is the reason most guys are willing to wrench on a winter project.
Consequently we look forward to the weekly array of car events that are on the horizon for car guys in the Northern Hemisphere where it is fairly close to real spring- and a car guy’s fancy turns to thoughts of taking it to the streets.
Bring it on ladies and gentlemen.
Jim Sutherland
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