September 4, 2011 was a momentous day for car guys plus there was a wedding – that was the day that Janice Lam married Aaron Lucas.
The guests of honor included six very cool rides as part of the celebration so this particular wedding was a mini-car show that eventually developed into a good-sized cruise.
Here’s how it happened.
Kirby Lucas is the father of the groom and he’s also a hardcore car guy with connections throughout the local hobby in central Alberta, Canada. Initially the wedding party was offered a number of Mercedes to transport the bridal party but the bride and groom had another idea.
They asked Kirby if he could round up a few volunteers to add some vintage iron to the ceremony. Kirby added, “The funniest part of the story was that several Mercedes were offered as wedding party cars and the kids absolutely chose the old cars”.
The results were overwhelming.
Kirby’s pride and joy is an all-Mopar 1949 Plymouth business coupe with a built-up 413. He’s had it for several years and now the old Plymouth has become his signature car. The wedding party wanted the old classic for the wedding pictures as Kirby recalled, “Aaron and Janice had asked if they could use my car for the pictures, so their idea I guess”.
The concept took on a life of its own as Kirby said, “When I was talking to Joe and Joyce (Lencucha) he volunteered the use of his car almost immediately so it began to take shape that we could use cars for the whole wedding party”.
Joe’s non-stock 1952 Plymouth Suburban was the first piece in the puzzle. This rare Mopar wagon has always been an attention-getting device at every car show, so this wedding party was a good addition to the celebration.
Car guys started lining up for wedding party duty with the same zeal that you’d see for free beer on a hot day. The next volunteer brought a classic 30s ride in the form of a bright red 1934 Chevrolet. He was a great pick as Kirby reported; “Dave and Marlis Savage were next to volunteer and just straight up said that we could use his car without even asking any details”. That’s a clear example of how real car guys operate.
After that, Al and June Evans volunteered their ‘37 Chevy to the party and this too was a great addition to the line-up.
Kirby added another vintage Mopar to the wedding party, “Chuck and Dianne Grote showed up in a 1948 Plymouth rag top”. That classic Mopar is another example of a vintage driver because Chuck has logged thousands of miles behind the wheel of this 1st Generation Hemi-powered Plymouth.
Kirby needed one more car to round out the roster and it came in the form of a stock 1950 Ford Woody wagon. He added, “Wayne and Wendy Russell came out in their 1950 Ford woody wagon”. This car is another neon sign vehicle at shows because car guys go crazy over these legendary shoebox Fords so it was a great addition to a wedding celebration.
The wedding cars had a huge impact on the bride’s family and Kirby added that he was a little surprised, “The old cars were a huge hit which surprised me as the crowd was predominantly Asian. There was a bit of a break after the ceremonies and the cars were absolutely surrounded by the guests of the wedding“.
Classic iron knows no cultural barriers.
Car guys are drawn to old iron like moths to a light and this wedding was no exception. Kirby reported, “ A few unknown local cars joined in the parking lot as well. There was a bit of an impromptu cruise around Lacombe to the research station where the Woody and my car were used in the pictures mostly”.
Any excuse for a drive – that’s the gearhead motto.
Typically, car guys are hard-wired to be social magnets because the old iron culture demands that you stay connected with guys who “can help out”. In most cases the help comes in the form of parts or expertise but when a car guy need to showcase old iron for a special event the help is always there.
Just ask Kirby…
Jerry Sutherland
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