
may12-showimgp9215-001Stars of the Show generally follows a format that includes cars from shows across North America.

One of the best car guy per capita areas in North America is found in Red Deer Alberta Canada.

The “gearhead per 100 people” ratio is off the charts in this city of just over 90,000.

Red Deer has held a weekly Thursday Night Cruise in one form or another for decades but the latest incarnation is one of the strongest versions of the show’s history.

Dave Burden is the current caretaker of the Thursday Night Cruise show so he was a natural go-to guy for information about the show.

He outlined the history of the show, “Cruise Night had been around as a get together for years.The concept actually goes back decades to the Hannigans Drive-In at the foot of the North Hill.


Some of the guys we get out today are pioneers from the Hannigans era…

Eventually it ended up out at the A&W then Willy’s Burgers Drive-In.I became involved after they had closed down and there was really nowhere to get together.

Myself and a few friends discussed this a few times while we were hanging out at different places, and I took it upon myself to approach the Downtown Business Assoc. in regards to using a parking lot for a Cruise night get together.


It took a little bit of convincing and a few meetings and we started up “Downtown Cruise In ” in the Office Plus parking lot summer of 1999. It has moved 4 times due to popularity (Office plus/Real Canadian Superstore/Safeway North RD/NE Parking Lot Parkland Mall). There is now an average of 300+ vehicles a week. With a high count of 450+ , a couple of different nights last year.


There have been many fine sponsors and volunteers throughout the years, without them…Cruise Night may not have been able to grow as it has. I wish to throw out a thank you to all of them.”


Dave is a modest guy because an event like this takes one guy to be the leader and motivator and the rest falls into place. Typically a guy like “Challenger Dave” puts in hundreds of volunteer hours per year to make it happen in a car guy town like Red Deer.


Car Guys like Dave make Stars of the Show happen so make sure you salute the car show volunteers in your hometown.

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