There’s no question dogs are the most loyal mammals ever invented.
Occasionally your dog like to get a little frisky with your favorite pillow-or left leg…but you can’t fault his loyalty.
Your dog may like to mark their territory on the new rug milliseconds after the carpet guy leaves but his loyalty is unsurpassed.
Your dog might turn your brand new 500-dollar custom fitted golf shoes into multi-colored shreds but they’ll never be disloyal.
Your dog might target and terminate Fluffy and Tuffy, your 350 pound biker neighbor’s Persian cats but he’ll pile right into the fray when your irate neighbor hoists you by the neck. He’s that loyal.
Your dog will never judge you-even after a gun battle with the police because he’s that loyal.
That’s why Rover should ride up front.
Take a look at how happy these mutts are when they get to ride first class.