


The 2013 car show season is behind us here in the northern region of the Northern Hemisphere.


We all voted for global warming but it looks like we are still a four season region, with a big emphasis on the winter portion of the program.


To quote Jimmy Buffett, it’s been a lovely cruise, although his idea of a cruise involves boats and tropical breezes, while our idea of a lovely cruise is simply a rain-free car show.


We have always been fond of the small town car shows because the events are so warmly embraced by the townsfolk.




We hit many small towns this summer and found every one of the shows confirmed our idea that car guys and small towns are a good fit because both have a strong sense of community.


The car show season starts in late April in our neck of the woods and our first show was called on account of snow mixed with rain.


Most car guys would probably rather let you kick their beloved dogs than drive their beloved rides in bad weather, so this show featured two old cars driven by economic necessity in an adjacent parking lot.




We seriously doubt whether their owners even knew a car show was scheduled at the mall that day. The cars had a daily driver look to them and were nowhere near the designated show area.




Our first official story of the 2013 car show season took place on April 25th and introduced us to a 605 horsepower 1971 Dodge Demon with plenty of go-power for its enthusiastic owner’s right foot. Look for this story as a future feature on MSCC.




We consider the car show months to be harvest season for stories about the old rides and their lucky owners.2013 produced a bumper crop of incredible car and truck stories that will be introduced over the next year on MSCC.


We should mention to newcomers to our site that we introduce new stories about old rides every month on our site.




We have really interesting daily updates and photos on our front page designed to keep MSCC fresh, but the new individual owner stories will appear on the first of every month, along with the reasons for the owners’ relationships with their vehicles.


Their stories just keep getting better for us and you will see the results of our story harvest over the next year until the next car show season in the spring. This year we paid extra attention to our car guys who own trucks because we almost ran out of stories for our Star Truckin’ section before the start of the 2013 season.




No worries this year because we have encountered some amazing stories over the past several months and you will see them on our site in the future. We take a lot of photos when we do an interview and supplement the photos with the owners’ own personal reasons for the vehicles.


We have traveled down many roads to get to the shows this year and the results will be very evident when you see them on MSCC. We would ask you to take a look around our site and take a look beyond the front page because we are very proud of our hard work to make MSCC one of the best automotive websites in the world.




There are literally hundreds and hundreds of stories, photos and features on MSCC. We are proud of what we do to celebrate the old car culture and ask you to share our MSCC link with all of your car guy friends.


Tell the world about us and help us continue our growth into one of the best automotive sites on the ‘Net.


Jim Sutherland

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