This year is almost over, so the right thing to do is look back at how 2023 played out.
Here are some of my personal highlights from the 14th year of MyStarCollectorCar.
Jerry Sutherland

Car shows are the heart and soul of MyStar because those events are where you dive into the deep end of the car culture. I’ve mentioned over and over how important weather is to successful car shows and 2023 definitely skated through the raindrops.

I constantly review my old photo files and I see a trend every June—rain. Half the shows in June get hammered by nasty weather but June 2023 was great. The weather gods were kind, so June car shows were bathed in sun instead of showers. I say that with a lot of gratitude because June-based event organizers are riverboat gamblers—rain has hammered some large shows in June over the years but this year they won the battle.
I always look forward to the World of Wheels every year because it’s a first-class car show to start the season and it’s weatherproof because it’s inside.

They had another winner in 2023—they know how to throw a car guy party.
There’s a mid-summer show called Rock’n August in Saint Albert, Alberta, Canada–it was another solid event.

They have been the victim of rain over the years but this past year’s Rock’n August shattered records thanks to solid organization and yes—great weather.
Road trips were a big factor in 2023—like every year.

The highlight was a run to the Penticton, BC, Canada show in late June 2023.
Penticton is one of those shows you hear about every year—that kind of buzz meant it’s been on the radar for too long, so the right thing to do was a road trip in a 1960 Dodge through the mountains.

Car guys know a 1300-mile run through the Rockies in a 63-year-old car is always a gamble, but the old Dodge was a flawless performer. That’s a highlight too, because MyStar is a big advocate for road trips in old iron.

There was another old car highlight this year on a much slower road.
Jim and I entered the ’63 Plymouth in a Christmas parade in early December because parades are so much cooler with old iron. That’s the kind of event that justifies a year-round driver in a subarctic climate—it was every bit as cool as running the Rockies in a ’60 Dodge—just a lot shorter.

Every year is a new adventure at MyStar because the cars and trucks I’ve seen blow my mind–2023 was no exception.

I’m always amazed at the creativity, talent, and determination in the hobby, because most people aren’t wired to see the potential in a rusty old car or truck. Fortunately, some people are—that’s what makes the car hobby the most dynamic pastime in the world.

This is by far the best job I’ve ever had because thousands and thousands of hours later it’s still like Christmas Day when I see another classic street rod, resto-mod, stock, heavily modified piece of iron. It doesn’t matter—they all have incredible cool factor.

2024 will be the 15th year for MyStarCollectorCar, but it’s just getting started. Happy New Year.
Jerry Sutherland
By: Jerry Sutherland
Jerry Sutherland is a veteran automotive writer with a primary focus on the collector car hobby. His work has been published in many outlets and publications, including the National Post, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Regina Leader-Post, Vancouver Sun and The Truth About Cars. He is also a regular contributor to Auto Roundup Publications.
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